Bookshop by the Sea - Denise Hunter Page 0,50

here, and not because of the work he was doing. It felt good to have him stepping up to the plate. Since he’d left the family, it felt as if he’d abdicated his role as parent. And even though Sophie was all grown up now, she still needed her dad.

Conversation flowed fluidly for an hour or so, and talk soon returned to her renovation.

“I was thrilled to find original wood floors under the carpet,” Sophie said. “I think they’ll only need a topcoat.”

“Use the fast-dry stuff since you’re on a deadline. I used it at my house a few years ago.”

“I’d forgotten you have wood floors.” She’d only been to his house twice.

“Yeah . . .” Something in his voice made Sophie look up from her work.

He spared her a glance. “Sweetheart . . . There’s something I wanted to ask you. I almost asked at the wedding but decided the time wasn’t right. At this point things are getting pretty bad—it can’t wait any longer.”

She lowered her brush, frowning, her mind immediately leaping toward some kind of illness. “What is it, Daddy?”

He dipped his brush in the paint and resumed touch-ups. “This is a little embarrassing to admit, but I’m in a bit of a financial crunch. I’m afraid I’m behind on my mortgage payments.”

No illness. Her breath released on a sigh. But a beat later her stomach plummeted. So this was the true reason for his visit. “What happened? I thought things were going okay with your job.”

“Well, I earn a living but not enough to put much back. My furnace went out this winter, and that took my savings. Then my car’s transmission went out, and I can’t get to work without a car, so I had to put the repairs on my credit card. I just got a raise, and that’ll help me shuffle along, but I’m in desperate straits. I’m about to lose my house, Sophie. I have till Friday to come up with the money.”

“This Friday?”

“’Fraid so.”

“Dad, I wish I could help, but I’ve sunk nearly everything I have into this shop.”

“Sure, sure. I know you’ve got a lot going on here. I see that. It’s just that your mom and I owned the house free and clear, and I didn’t ask for my part of it in the divorce.”

Sophie gritted her teeth. As well he shouldn’t have! He’d left them with all the hospital bills.

“I hate to ask you for anything, but I don’t have anywhere else to turn.”

She forced a moderate tone to her voice. “That money’s long gone, Daddy. What didn’t go toward the hospital bills was divvied up between us kids. Seth’s and Jenna’s shares went toward college loans, and mine went toward this shop. Maybe you should get an apartment.”

Her dad lowered his brush, giving her a pained look. “If they repossess the house, I’d still need money for first month’s rent and deposit, which I don’t have. I’d be homeless until I could save up the money. Unless Jenna and Grant would take me in for a while.”

Sophie gaped at her dad. Surely he didn’t expect to be on their doorstep with his luggage the moment they returned from their honeymoon. “They’re newlyweds, Daddy.”

“That’s why I came to you first. I didn’t want to put them in that position. It wouldn’t take much to get me over the hump, honey. Just a few thousand dollars.”

Sophie’s heart twisted. She really didn’t have it to give. Or did she? There was that money she’d set back to take down the troublesome tree out front. But it had been there a hundred years. What were a few more months?

The sound of the door opening stole her thoughts.

“I’m back,” Aiden called from the front. “Sorry it took me so long. They were out of the—” He appeared in the doorway, going still at the sight of Dad.

Her dad’s back went stiff. “What are you doing here?”

“Helping Sophie.” Aiden looked at her, then back to Dad.

Her dad raked his gaze up and down Aiden. “Is that so?”

“Daddy. He’s been helping me all week. And he’s the only reason my dreams aren’t swirling down the drain right now.”

Dad fixed Aiden with a long glare before he checked his watch and smiled at Sophie. “It’s time for me to get back on the road, honey. Sorry I can’t stay and help out more.”

“I’ll walk you out.” Eager to separate the men, she grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder. She could use a Copyright 2016 - 2024