Bookshop by the Sea - Denise Hunter Page 0,43

his failure. It sounded like a lose/lose proposition to him.

But how could he deny her anything when she looked at him, eyes sparkling with hope and excitement?

“All right, fine. Let’s do it.”

chapter twenty

“I’m not going to win.” Aiden helped Sophie sink down to the carpeted floor. Ross had just FaceTimed him, and his nerves gnawed at his gut.

“Stop saying that. You have as good a chance as anyone.” Sophie settled back against the checkout counter, setting aside her crutches.

“You don’t know who I’m up against. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. It’s just a stupid award.”

Sophie grabbed his phone as he settled beside her and turned it up all the way to check the progress. The screenshot showed a podium, center stage. The speaker’s acceptance speech was winding down.

“Ross said my category’s next.”

“How do you feel?”

“I kind of wish it were over.”

Aiden ran sweaty palms down the legs of his jeans. Man, he was glad he wasn’t there right now. The thought of losing was every bit as heinous as the idea of delivering an acceptance speech in front of all those people. He wasn’t sure which he’d be hoping for if he were there. But now, with Ross as his proxy, he definitely wanted to win. He tried to tamp down his hope.

Sophie turned down the volume and set her hand on his arm. “No matter what happens, Aiden . . . I’m really proud of you. You created a device no one else has ever thought of. That’s amazing.”

Pleasure swelled inside at her words, heating his face. He’d forgotten how easily words of affirmation rolled off her tongue. She’d always made him feel like he could do anything. Be anything. He let the admiration in her eyes wash over him like a cool wave on a hot summer day. And just like that, all the stress of this ceremony and award was worth it, win or lose.

He smiled at her. “That means a lot to me, Soph.”

She jerked her attention back to the phone, jacking up the volume. “Your category’s up.”

He homed in on the screen where the MC was waiting for the applause to die down. Aiden was glad Sophie was holding the phone because his hands were shaking. He crossed his arms over his chest.

“And now, for the category of Innovations in Extreme Sports . . . Lonnie Griffin for the Grappler.” An image showed on the screen, but it was washed with white. “Kendra Francis for the Sure Climb Shoe. And Aiden Maddox for the SpringChute. And the winner is . . .”

Aiden swallowed, his eyes trained on the phone. His heart skipped a beat.

“Aiden Maddox, for the SpringChute.”

He blinked. His breath tumbled out. A chill ran through him.

“You won!” Sophie grabbed his arm. “Aiden, you won!”

Music was playing as Ross presumably made his way to the stage. “I can’t believe it. I never dreamed. The other innovations were so good, and Lonnie Griffin has been up for this award three times and won twice before. I can’t believe this is—”

“Shhh! I want to hear your speech.”

Ross appeared at the podium and adjusted the microphone. “Thank you. I’m Ross Givens, Aiden’s partner at Extreme Adventures. Aiden couldn’t be with us this evening, but he asked me to deliver his speech if he should win.”

Ross looked down at his phone. “If anyone wants to know how to make a daredevil nervous, try telling him he has to deliver a speech in front of a live audience.”

The audience chuckled as Aiden wiped his hands down his legs again. He was suddenly second-guessing the rest of his speech.

Ross continued. “I’m grateful to the board members of ESTA for this honor. I also owe a debt of gratitude to my father, Dan Maddox, for teaching me everything I know about life. He showed me what hard work and discipline can accomplish, and he sacrificed everything to give me a good life. Ross Givens, my partner, for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime and letting me handle the fun end of the business.”

Ross smiled briefly toward the camera.

Aiden tensed at the part that was coming.

“A special thank-you to Sophie Lawson for always believing in me. For making me feel like I could do and be anything I set my mind to.”

Sophie sucked in her breath. Her fingers tightened on his arm. Aiden didn’t hear another word Ross said. His mind swarmed with thoughts and emotions.

The audience applauded and Ross exited the stage, disappearing from their line of vision.

Sophie lowered the phone, Copyright 2016 - 2024