Book of Love - David Horne Page 0,32

was. The ass-kissing started from the Americans too.

In the week, Elec had tried to get Oscar to talk to him about possible business opportunities, but the man said he was there for the meetings, and that was it.

On the last day of the week trip, he finally got a chance to talk to Oscar Bailey as he was alone at the bar enjoying a whiskey. He had smooth-talked for a while and asked about his son. Oscar was far from stupid and was upfront in saying that his son was his pride and joy. His son was smart and had a bright future as heir to the Xavier family even though he was gay.

That shocked Elec. He asked what Oscar would do about grandchildren, Oscar just shrugged and easily said that the Xavier family had many members and his son could easily choose someone from one of their children, and then train said child when old enough.

Elec Rogers had tried his hardest to bring up their kids meeting up, but Oscar was not biting at all and denied the man at every try he made.

The trip ended with Elec having nothing to show for all his efforts. Now that very man was standing in front of him, his son beside his and in the one-armed embrace of the man he wanted to marry his daughter.

"I didn't know that you knew Ward's boy," Elec commented. His daughter just gave him a confused stare. He had told her that if Matt was not forthcoming with at least having lunch with Bella, he would throw his name around and threaten a few people to get the man to agree.

"Ah, yes, funny how the world works," Oscar said and looked at Bella. "You must be Isabella Rogers." The man said nothing more but gave his daughter a once-over. Elec wondered what the man thought about his daughter.

He was not expecting Oscar to turn to him without giving his daughter another glance. In the corner of his eye, he saw his daughter bristle at being so blandly greeted then ignored. He hoped her bratty nature remained where it was hidden.

"Indeed, we came here to see if Matt here would be willing to go to lunch with my daughter."

Oscar just raised a brow, much like his son had.

"I was unaware that they were friends." Oscar's tone of voice showed that he clearly knew that before today, the two had never met.

Elec swallowed and smiled, he patted Bella's arm. "They have yet to meet in person. That is why I'd like them to have lunch to get to know each other better."

Before Oscar could say anything, Matt scoffed. His face clearly told Elec that he knew what he was trying to pull.

"Please. Everyone here knows that's not all you want," Matt sneered and help Alfie tighter. Matt was looking at Elec with an annoyed look in his eyes.

"And what would that be?" Bella asked, more snarked with her arms crossed under her breast to push them up. Yet again, Matt's eyes never fell from her eyes.

Matt looked the woman up and down again, with no heat in his eyes. "Your dad and my dad are both so caught up into this stupid idea of us getting married that they never once even thought if we wanted it," Matt said, hoping that Bella didn't want this either, but the girl just looked at him funny.

"Why wouldn't I want to marry you? You're super attractive, you dress well, and you come from a wealthy family," she said all this as if it was all that was needed.

Alfie frowned and hugged Matt closer. "That was a rather shallow answer."

Bella frowned a deeper frown at Alfie.

"No, it's not," she said with a bratty tone to her voice.

Alfie walked to stand against the counter. He placed his hands on the countertop. "You only listed Matt's physical attributes. You didn't even mention about finding out what an amazing human he is, how kind and protective, smart and loving man Matt is. You only care about what you can gain from him."

The other three men looked at Alfie as he glared at the woman, daring her to disagree. Bella wasn't stupid, she knew she had been outmaneuvered.

Matt's arms wound themselves around Alfie's waist. He rested his chin on Alfie's shoulder.

"Listen, I'll just say this once, and if you still can't accept the truth, then that's on your heads. I am one-hundred percent gay and would never even dream of being with a woman. I Copyright 2016 - 2024