Book of Love - David Horne Page 0,3

passed away two years ago. He knew how much I loved this store. So, he left it to me with a large amount of capital to help me keep the place afloat while I learned the ropes. He also left me the apartment above the store."

There was a moment of silence as Matt tried not to get at least a little bit hopeful.

"And you see, the store has been doing really great. So great in fact that I find myself in need of an extra helping hand in the store. It just so happens that I’m not using the apartment above the store." Startling green eyes locked with Matt's hazel brown hues.

"However, I do need to know how you got yourself into the situation you're in because, as far as I can remember, your family is rather well off."

Matt shuffled his foot as he looked around for a spot that he could sit down on without fear of dirtying the store. Looking down at himself, made him question that decision. Alfred seemed to be thinking along the same lines before licking his tongue in thought.

"Why don't you go upstairs and get a shower, I have spare clothes that should fit you okay enough. I’ll order us some food, and then you can tell me what happened to you and how we can resolve it," Alfred suggested before pointing at a door behind the counter.

With nothing else to do, he nodded and went to the door. With his back to the room, he looked over his shoulder at Alfred, who was still looking at him with an encouraging smile.

"Thanks… this, just thanks."

Something in his tone must have given him away, given away at how close he was to giving up. The encouraging smile turned soft and understanding. "Go on, do you want anything in particular?" Right. Food meant money, money that he didn't have. "I can't afford any—" Matt started to explain before Alfred waved his words away. "Nonsense, I'll buy you some much-needed food. I wouldn't be a decent human being if I didn't. Besides, my grandfather and my parents would be most upset with me. So go take a shower, have a change of clothes and tell me what you are in the mood for," Alfred said in a no-nonsense tone of voice that with the British accent he hadn't lost in the slightest. It made him sound all the more-stern, but the open smile on the face of his savior made Matt cave.

"Pizza would be nice."

Alfred nodded and brought out his phone. Just then, Sam yapped and wiggled his way onto a couch.

"Pizza does indeed sound good."

Chapter Two

The shower felt heavenly on Matt’s skin, the warm water cascading down his aching muscles. Matt looked into the white tiles unseeingly as he washed his hair of its days of grime. It feels good, Matt sighed as the feeling of being human came back to him slowly as his current situation started to dawn on him.

Some might think he would be stupid to trust Alfred, but Matt didn't have much to go on anymore. He certainly wasn't going to go back to his father. There was nothing left but eternal unhappiness if he bent his knee to his father's whims.

Turning off the water, Matt stepped out and saw that there were towels rolled up under the sink He took one and he dried himself off and wondered where the room was. He probably should have asked.

Matt walked to the door with his dirty clothes under his arm. When he opened it, he was shocked to see Alfred with his hand raised to knock on the door. Matt watched in fascination as Alfred's eyes traveled down his torso. He could almost feel the stare. It was a little bit of a confidence booster as he saw a rosy hue appear of Alfred's high cheekbones.

Alfred seemed to find himself again and cleared his throat. "Here…" The man shoved a pile of clothes into Matt’s chest, looking to the side as he did so. The action was adorable, and Matt had to bite his cheek to stop himself of saying something.

"Thanks," Matt said in the end as Alfred looked him in the eyes and smiled again.

"Pizza should be here soon. There are some razors and shaving cream you can use in the medicine cabinet."

Nodding, Matt stepped deeper into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Matt decided to shave first before looking at the bundle in his hands. He saw a black t-shirt, Copyright 2016 - 2024