Bone Palace, The - Amanda Downum Page 0,125

found Lychandra, I thought it had worked.”

“But you bore the burden.”

“I did. Phaedra was due that much. But I wasn’t alone, it turned out. Varis loved her, and was in Iskar when she died, beyond Erishal’s reach. He searched for years, and finally found her.”

“How did she survive?”

“She had learned how to transfer consciousness—soul—through blood. She kept a flock of familiar birds who had been drinking her blood for years, who served as her eyes and ears. They stole her rings off her corpse, and between blood and foci, she lived on in them.”

“A demon.”

“Yes. But her magic was stronger than the chain of flesh is to most demons. Eventually she grew strong again, more herself, and arranged for a mortal to drink the blood of her birds. Her consciousness grew again in a human body, and she began to regain her strength. I imagine being a flock of birds for years was… taxing. This was the demon Varis found, who he brought back to Erisín, and to me.”

It was a great law of magic: the combination of spirit and flesh that created a demon could only happen once. To find it so easily overthrown knocked the wind from her lungs. She forced her mind away from the implications and back to the story at hand.

“She didn’t try to kill you?”

“What would be the point?” He laughed harshly. “Mathiros had already cast me aside. And she knew her murder had never been my goal. All her rage is for him.”

“And he doesn’t remember why.” She remembered Phaedra’s fury in the palace—You’ll remember me—and Mathiros’s confusion.

“Yes. I should have struck her down when she came to me, or gone straight to Mathiros with the news. But I couldn’t do that to her again. Not after—”

Not after everything.

They sat in cold and silence for a moment, while the blue light of dawn rose behind the curtains. She didn’t say that’s horrible, because he knew it was. She didn’t say how could you? because she knew how he could. She didn’t say I’m sorry, because that didn’t help anything.

“She’s due her revenge,” Isyllt said at last. “I grant you that. But what about Forsythia, and all the others she and Spider have killed? Don’t they deserve the same?”

“Justice for all?” His eyebrows rose. “Have you become an altruist?”

She laughed. “I’ve become what you made me.” She rose, unsteady as liquor and fatigue surged through her limbs. “What are we going to do?”

“We?” He rose to meet her. “You would still stand by me?”

“You’ve done terrible things. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have done the same. I was made for terrible things, wasn’t I?”

“I may have made you a killer, but your strength and cleverness are your own. Don’t throw yourself away for me.”

A muscle worked in her jaw. “I thought you were done making decisions for me.”

He touched the disheveled wreck of her veil again, then cupped her cheek, skin to skin. She leaned into the touch. He lowered his mouth to hers.

Her left hand tightened against the nape of his neck; her right tangled in his robes. The taste of ouzo on both their tongues slowly melted into the familiar warmth that was his alone.

When they drew apart her pulse beat hard and fast in her lips and the ocean-rush of blood in her ears deafened her. Her eyes were closed, but she felt his sharp intake of breath. He still wanted her, and that dizzied her more than liquor ever could.

She took his hand and led him to the bedroom. He didn’t argue.


The demon days were meant to be spent indoors, either at home with family or in a cathedral for prayer and meditation. No one ventured out between dusk and dawn for fear of the Invidiae, the jealous demon sisters who gave the dead days their name—most didn’t venture out at all. So when Thea Jsutien arrived before noon demanding to speak with her, Savedra was at a loss.

Her equally disgruntled maid dragged her out of bed and helped her scrub off the remnants of last night’s cosmetics. On any other day she would have made Thea wait, and wielded her wardrobe like a weapon. Today, slow and aching with fatigue and bruises from her fall, she very nearly left her rooms in a robe with her hair in snake-tangles around her face.

Instead she found a plain black dress and let Marjana comb her hair and braid it and knot it at the nape of her neck. She Copyright 2016 - 2024