Bonded by Blood - By Laurie London Page 0,96

dark enough for you to comfortably go outside?” she asked, as she gathered the dishes from the table. “Want to take a walk? I promise not to push you in. I might even let you give me a piggyback ride.”

The fresh air sounded good. He needed to clear his head. “Sure. But you couldn’t push me in even if you wanted to.”

“We’ll see.”

Her concern for his comfort outside suddenly registered. Could she even fathom what she did to him? That a simple thought or word from her was all it took for him to grovel at her feet? How just watching her made him forget an outside world even existed?

“Love those boots,” he said, as he watched her pull on the bright red galoshes he’d seen her wear earlier. If they weren’t obviously an adult size, he’d have sworn they belonged to a seven-year-old.

“Next time, I’ll have to bring my own. You’ll love them. They’re pink Hello Kitty ones.”


“WATER BREAK. Catch you in five.” Lily left her class on the mats and walked down the hallway of the mixed martial arts studio.

She dialed the field office number. Was Dom back yet? She had assembled her team earlier and they’d be ready for orders as soon as he arrived. With nothing to do but wait, she headed to the Krav Maga center where she sometimes subbed as a martial arts instructor.

“You’re an angel, Lil,” Johnny Sinclair had said when she told him she’d be happy to take over his zero-dark-thirty class. “I’m working swing today at the precinct and have a full load of classes here this morning. Didn’t have time for coffee or breakfast. Back in thirty.”

If Dom didn’t arrive soon, it meant he probably wouldn’t be coming until this evening. She doubted his lack of UV sensitivity could last two full days in the sunlight. Was it a good sign that he didn’t come back right away? Maybe, maybe not.

As she rounded the corner, a strong pair of hands grabbed her waist, pushing her against the dark wall. Greedy lips met hers as her sports bra was shoved up over her breasts. Dipping his head, her visitor sucked roughly at her nipples.

“I love it when you surprise me like this. I only have a minute. Think you can be fast?”

The zip of his fly was his answer and she dropped her workout shorts to her ankles. Turning around, she splayed her hands on the wall and arched her back.

Without any fanfare, he entered her hard and her breath caught in her throat as he growled. His fingers moved her hair aside and she felt his mouth against her neck. She had to bite her lip to keep from making a noise with her students just around the corner. Once, twice, three times and, as his fangs pierced her skin, she climaxed along with him. A moment later he sealed the twin puncture marks and withdrew. She pulled her shorts back up and straightened her sports bra as he zipped up his jeans.

“What a nice treat.” She kissed him long and slow as she ran her tongue along the tips of his fangs. He tasted warm and spicy. “But what the hell are you doing here? You know it’s not safe.”

“I have more information for you. The operation is going online within the week. Two females are set to ovulate and the males are ready to go. Several other capture orders are being undertaken as we speak. They hope to have five or six breeding pairs over the next few weeks.”

“Any closer to finding the location?”

“Unfortunately, no. It’s cloaked and they’re keeping it top secret. Just the researchers and the Overlord—I mean Pavlos—know where it’s at. Everyone else is on a need-to-know basis. All I’ve been able to determine is that it’s located somewhere west of the Cascade Mountains within about three hours of the city.”

“Baby, you’re good like that.” She grabbed his ass and yanked him close. “Now be careful.”

He wrapped his arms around her. “Always.”

And with that, he released her and was gone.

Dom leaned against the cabin’s deck rail, the cup of tea now lukewarm in his hand, and stared into the darkness.

“My brother, Alfonso.” A bitter taste filled his mouth. He could hardly stand to form that name on his tongue, but the need to open up to Mackenzie was something he couldn’t fight any longer. “He used to date a woman with Sangre Dulce. He ended up draining her dry one night and left her Copyright 2016 - 2024