Bonded by Blood - By Laurie London Page 0,92

otherwise. She was sure of it. “I trust you completely. I won’t push you, but please know it’s important to me to give all of myself to you.” Her voice caught on the lump in her throat. She knew she’d break in half eventually if he didn’t drink from her. It was that vital, that important. “I want to be everything you need.”

His eyes clouded. “You are, Kenz. My God, you are, but—” He started to say something else, probably a protest about it not being safe. Some nonsense about him hurting her, but she shushed him with her lips.

“No talking. Just know that I want that someday. For now, I need you to love me.”

The rumble in his chest echoed inside her as his hands grazed lightly down her sides. Obviously, it was going to be slower this time. Slow and meaningful. Although hard and crazy was good, too. Sex with him was a drug—she was an addict who constantly needed more. She wanted to breathe in his essence and bottle him up inside to save him for later.

He cupped her bottom and lifted her onto his erection with an ease that made her feel weightless. He obviously hadn’t softened from what she could tell, and he slid in effortlessly again. They moved together as one, a choreographed dance both of them knew by heart. She was in a dream that she never wanted to end. If she could feel him like this every day for the rest of her life, she’d know the meaning of heaven on earth.

His lips caressed one nipple as his thumb rubbed across the other. She arched her back and moaned his name.

“I love how my name sounds on your lips,” he said, speeding up the pace of his thrusts. “I want to hear it from you again, when I lock myself inside you.”

Every nerve ending sizzled with anticipation as his large hands gripped her hip bones like handles and pushed her down farther. There was that hitch again and her body welcomed him home.

“Oh God, Dom,” she heard herself cry, not consciously forming the words, but nonetheless uttering them as he had wanted. Her body clearly responded to him with an awareness all its own.

With his warm hands spread wide on her thighs, he kept her clamped tightly against him. No thrusting, just gentle rocking back and forth. He seemed hypnotized by the swaying of her breasts, watching them through half-closed lids, almost as if he were waiting for the snap of a finger to spur him to action. The tip of his tongue darted out for a moment.

Seeing his desire for her lifted her to new heights. And just like that, he lifted forward and took a nipple into his mouth.

Oh God. She tried to wait, to savor the glorious sensations, to revel in the beauty of his chiseled body beneath her, but it was no use. Her muscles quivered as the pressure cranked to an almost mind-numbing pinnacle in an instant. With her fingers against the damp skin of his chest, the cords of his neck strained and he shuddered between her legs. When his sex pulsed inside, she crashed around him yet again.

MARTIN WAS PUTTING away the last of the art supplies when the front door buzzer sounded from downstairs. One of the kids must’ve left something. A quick examination of the art room didn’t reveal a stray backpack or anything else that looked out of place. Mackenzie ran a tight ship; the place was immaculate.

He glanced at the clock. Nine-thirty. Dinner reservations weren’t for another half hour. Maybe Paul had decided to pick him up here, but surely he’d have called first. It was probably just the night janitor.

He rummaged around in a few cabinets looking for the cleaning spray and rag. All he had left to do was wipe down the tables and lock up. The classroom door clicked open, but his head was buried in a lower cabinet so he didn’t get up. “Did you leave something?” he called.

“Where is she?”

The man’s raspy I’ve-just-smoked-two-packs-of-cigarettes voice startled Martin. He bumped his head and turned around to see two men saunter into the room, their arms and legs moving in unison. With long black trench coats, combat boots and sunglasses, they looked like they’d just stepped out of The Matrix.

“Pardon me? Can I help you?” There was something familiar about them, although he couldn’t place their faces. Sweat broke out on his upper lip.

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