Bonded by Blood - By Laurie London Page 0,80

a little when you hear my thoughts?” she whispered as his lips hungrily sought out hers.

“Yes, and when you’re nearby.” Her kiss was warm and spicy, tasting faintly of oregano.

“Mmm. Me, too. And do you hear two heartbeats until we’re closer?” she asked.

He slipped the robe off one shoulder. When he ran his fingertips under her breast and caressed a thumb over her stiffened nipple, a moan of pleasure escaped her lips. “They mesh into one sound when our air mingles. And your heart becomes mine when I’m in you.” She sighed heavily and he breathed her air into his lungs.

Without a word, she slid a hand to his face and stroked her thumb over his temple. The vibration in his head as their energies mingled swept him into another dimension. Over the sound of the waves lapping and retreating on the rocky beach, nothing existed any longer except the two of them. I want you like I’ve never wanted anything else before. Her words. Blood pounded between his legs when he heard them in his mind and he took her mouth with a fervor that surprised him.

Pushing her down on the blanket-covered sand, he peeled off his jeans and his erection sprang free.

She held her arms out to him and opened her legs. My proud, beautiful savior. He groaned when he heard her words and enveloped her body with his.

MACKENZIE LET DOM spread her knees apart with his thick thighs as he settled his body over her. His erection probed her hip and inner leg searching out her entrance. She arched herself to help him. Waiting for his thrust, she was surprised when he pushed up on his forearms and looked into her face. His hair hung over his forehead and his eyes were dark in the flickering glow from the fire.

“What?” she whispered. “Don’t stop. Not now. I need you now, Dom.” With secrets gone and questions answered, she wanted to feel the truth of him.

“I love how my name sounds on your lips,” he said as he kissed her. His erection stood poised, ready to enter her.

Did his teeth just graze her neck? She wanted him so badly that a little part of her died each moment he wasn’t inside her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, forcing his tip inside. But still he didn’t rock forward. She impatiently slid her hands to his buttocks, digging her nails in deep, but he didn’t go in.

“Please. I’m dying here.”

His laughter vibrated against her chest. “Are you always so impatient? Maybe I want to just lie here and look at you for a moment. To sear your face into my memory and compare it to how it looks after I leave a bit of myself inside of you.” His large palm slid down to massage her hip, as if he were getting ready to take hold, and her breath stopped halfway in her throat.

“Stop testing your willpower. It’s much stronger than mine.” She needed him. She needed this. She was suffocating without him.

In the firelight his pupils expanded, leaving a ring of crystal blue and the muscles in his face relaxed. She kept her eyes pinned to his as he thrust his hips forward, sheathing himself inside.

“Dom.” She breathed out his name as the sound of his heart filled her body. His eyes danced with excitement as he flexed his buttocks and drove deeper. She was so ready that she came hard and fast around him almost instantly.

“Oh, darling,” he murmured into her hair. “You are so sweet to my body. Amada mia.”

He pulled out of her then and she let out a little cry of protest. “Shhh. I can go deeper this way.” His sex glistened in the glow of the bonfire as he urged her to roll over. The breath caught in her throat. He was utterly magnificent. Powerful, commanding. She needed that strength filling her from the inside. On her hands and knees, his body warmed her back as he searched her out again. She rocked back and took him inside.

Grabbing her hipbones, he pulled her toward him as he thrust hard. The sound of the sea muffled her moan. He pushed even deeper until finally she felt him graze that swollen bud at the end of her channel. Coaxing and prodding, he moved inside her until she began to climax again. His sex quivered and her body fully welcomed him inside with a glorious hitch.

As the world faded away, revolving only on the axis Copyright 2016 - 2024