The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,66

reminding her of a predator. “Did you like them?”

“You’re sick, Lorenz.”

“No, I’m just embracing the real me.” His gaze moved to the top of her head. “I was hoping for the tiara as well. I have a buyer lined up, and they’re willing to pay a lot of money for it.”

Sofie’s belly churned. “You’re in the Black Fox gang too?”

His smiled sharpened. “Oh, I’m not just in the gang, my sweet princess, I run it. It was my brainchild.”

She shook her head. “No.” He’d been so unassuming.

“In my job, I have access to wealthy families, and the research on valuable, historic jewelry.” He shrugged a slim shoulder. “It was so easy to recruit others eager to join me. Eager to bolster their dwindling family fortunes.”

“You’re scum. Your gang hurt Tori.”

Lorenz’s smile twisted. “I know. I ordered it.”

Sofie felt like the floor fell away. She couldn’t breathe or find her balance. “What?”

“It started years ago, when I was at university. I found a pretty victim. I watched the light leak from her eyes while I loved her.” He shivered, clearly reliving his sick, twisted fantasy. “It was near-perfect, but she died too soon. I wasn’t patient or experienced enough to dispose of her body well.” He expelled a breath. “I was almost caught. It took me a long time to find the courage to indulge my passions again.”

Sofie couldn’t put all the pieces together. “Why? Why hurt people?” She couldn’t understand.

“We all have skills, sweet Sofie. Mine is showing a woman the ultimate death, and the pleasure in it.”

He was totally unhinged and made her want to vomit. “You didn’t rape Tori.”

“No, I had two of my men do it.” He smiled. “I watched. And I fueled her fear and paranoia afterward.”

Sofie felt a tear slide out of her eye and track down her cheek. “She trusted you, cared for you.”

“She wasn’t what I’d hoped she would be. I wish I’d been brave enough to take her life myself, but by then, I’d seen you.” Lorenz stepped closer.

Sofie steeled herself.

“That first woman I released into death, she had beautiful hair just like yours. The color of a beautiful sunset.”

“Well, you can’t have me.”

“You’re mine.” He leaped at her.

Sofie fell back and they hit the floor. They wrestled across the carpet, and he clamped his hands on her neck.

No! She scissored her legs and rolled. Lorenz cursed.

She scrambled onto her hands and knees. “Rome is coming. He’ll tear you apart.”

Lorenz’s face twisted. “You should never have let that big brute touch you, Sofia.”

Sofie shoved to her feet and edged toward the door. “I love it when he touches me.”

Lorenz made an angry sound and charged. He slammed her into the wall, all the air rushing out of her.

She elbowed him, then stabbed her fingers into his eyes.

He yelped.

She scratched his face. “Rome’s coming, and you’re going down. Your Black Fox gang is going down too.”

Lorenz made an enraged sound, like an angry animal.

“I’ve been gathering information on your gang for months,” she spat. “I’ll hand it over to the authorities, along with you, and your gang of criminals will be dismantled piece by piece.”

“You know nothing.” He advanced on her, his hair and jacket askew from their fight.

“I know a lot.” She lifted her chin. “I learned more every time I stole back the jewelry your gang had taken.”

His eyes widened. “You’re Robin Hood.”

Sofie smiled.

Lorenz’s face twisted, a crazed edge flaring in his eyes. He sprang at her.

The elbow to her jaw had her seeing stars. They both gripped each other, staggered, and then he knocked her down. Her knees hit the floor hard.

He leaned over her, his hands clamping around her neck, fingers digging in.

Sofie coughed and struggled. It hurt so badly.

She thought of Tori.

She thought of Rome.

Dammit, she’d fight.

She punched Lorenz between the legs.

He let her go, and let out a horrible gurgle of sound.

With a sob, Sofie pushed to her feet and spun, cursing her skirts.

Lorenz grabbed a handful of her dress. She tried to wrench away and heard fabric rip.

Then she was sprinting.

She shoved out the door and ran through several rooms. Where was the way out? She sprinted through another door and came out on the mezzanine level.

She heard the sound of the gala below.

Find Rome. Get to Rome.

She ran, her dress flaring behind her.

“You’re mine, Sofie,” Lorenz gritted out behind her. “I’m going to kill you, here and now.”

She heard his footsteps. He wasn’t far behind.

Panting, she found herself hemmed in. At the railing, she looked Copyright 2016 - 2024