The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,64

another table.

“Everyone please stay calm,” a voice said over the loudspeaker. “It’s just a small electrical issue and we’ll have it dealt with shortly.”

Sofie pulled out a thin tie from her bra. She tied the tiara to the underside of the table, right in the center.

“Stay safe,” she whispered.

She crawled out, her hair half tumbling down. Now she needed to find Rome, or one of the others from Norcross.

Her throat was tight, but she rose. It was so dark, with just faint light near the edges of the room. She thought of Rome’s strong arms holding her. His firm lips on hers.

She wasn’t alone. She knew he’d be looking for her.

“I’m coming,” she whispered.

She moved through the darkness. Anxious, confused voices echoed around her.

“They’ll get it sorted soon,” a man said.

“I can’t see a thing,” a woman cried.

Sofie bumped into a table, hitting one of her bruises. She swallowed a curse.


Rome’s deep voice. She turned, her heart leaping. It sounded like he was on the other side of the room. She wanted to call out, but what if the Black Foxes were listening?


Vander’s voice. He sounded closer and she moved in that direction.

Suddenly, there was the sound of crashing plates and breaking glass. Screams broke out.

She bit her lip and heard people jostling. She bumped into someone.

“I’m sorry,” she said.


Sofie stilled. It was Chantal Lockwood.

Could Sofie trust her? “Chantal, are you all right?”

“I’m fine. I’m so sorry this is happening at your gala.”

“They’ll get it fixed soon, I’m sure.”


Another crash sounded nearby.

“Come on.” Chantal took Sofie’s arm. “Let’s get out of the line of fire.”

“I need to find my bodyguard. He isn’t far away.”

“Come,” Chantal said. “We’ll find him together.”

They moved through several groups of people. When a large pillar appeared out of the gloom, Sofie realized they were near the edge of the room.

Not where she’d last seen Rome.

Her pulse spiked. “Chantal, this isn’t the right way.”

“It’s safer out of the crush.” The woman’s grip tightened on Sofie’s arm.

Sofie tried to pull away. “No, I think—”

The woman’s nails dug into Sofie’s skin. “No, you need to come with me.”

Sofie sucked in a breath. “You’re with the Black Fox gang.”

“What? Black Fox gang? I’ve never heard of it.” Chantal’s crisp voice sounded bewildered.

Sofie frowned. The woman appeared genuinely confused, or she was a damn good actress. “The jewel thieves.”

“Jewel thieves? You think I have something to do with that? Absolutely not.”

Chantal sounded so sincere. Sofie’s muscles relaxed a fraction, but she still remained worried. “I’m sorry, Chantal. There’s so much going on, and maybe I was mistaken.”

“It’s fine.” Chantal paused. “Come this way.”

They edged along the room and Sofie strained to hear Rome’s voice again. She wanted him so badly.

“Stop here,” Chantal said.

“We should—”

“Well done, pet,” a cultured voice whispered.

Sofie went as stiff as a board. She recognized that whisper.

“I’d do anything for you.” Chantal’s voice was filled with adoration.

Sofie blinked, fear chilling cold in her veins. “Chantal?”

The woman didn’t even look at Sofie. She was looking at the shadowed figure looming over them.

Then the man stepped forward. “Sofie, finally.”

Her stalker.

A faint chemical smell hit Sofie’s senses. Where had she smelled that before?

He moved closer, and there was enough faint light that she could see his face.

“No,” she breathed.

Lorenz Stalder. Tori’s boyfriend.

The man moved and yanked a black cloth bag over Sofie’s head.

Chapter Nineteen

Rome fought back the fear filling his chest like concrete. He couldn’t fucking see a thing. “Sofie!”

Where was she?

The lights came back on and he blinked. Worried, he stared at the panicked people. Couples clung to each other. Others looked uncertain and upset.

He frantically scanned the room.

There was no sign of Sofie.

His gut clenched and he felt the same horrible sensation he’d had when he’d lost Lola that long-ago day.

Vander materialized. “You see her?”

“No.” Fuck.

Saxon, Rhys, and Easton joined them.

“Don’t see her anywhere,” Saxon said.

“Get everyone looking,” Rome ordered.

“I’ll ask Zane, Liam, and Mav to help,” Easton said.

“We don’t have penises, but our eyes work just fine.” Gia waved at herself, Harlow and Haven.

“Go,” Vander said to his sister.

The group spread out.

“You give her the ring?” Vander asked.

Rome nodded. He’d picked the ring because he knew it would look pretty on Sofie’s delicate fingers, and because there was a tracker embedded in it.

“Where the fuck is Ace?” Vander barked.

“Here.” Ace appeared. His long hair was no longer tied up, but instead brushed his shoulders. It looked like someone had been running their fingers through it. He had lipstick on the collar of his shirt.

Maggie joined them as Copyright 2016 - 2024