The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,4

visited them in Atlanta when he could, and they regularly visited him.

It had just been him, his mom, and his sisters since his dad took off when Rome was eight. It’d been rough, his mom working two jobs to support them. She’d depended on Rome to look out for his younger sisters.

Except he’d failed spectacularly. It’d been rough when they’d lost Lola.

Remembering his sister’s death, an ugly sensation moved through him. He ground his teeth together.

Head in the game, Nash.

He needed to keep his new charge safe. Not rehash his worst failure.

He hadn’t kept Lola safe, but he’d made a career out of protecting others.

Teenagers were pushing against the barrier, chanting the princess’ name. Sofia smiled, but he saw it dim the more they shouted.

The fence scraped on the ground, pushing forward.

Rome looked up and saw a sweating man with a ball cap staring at the princess. Beside him were two middle-aged women, recording with their phones. Everyone was shoving forward.

Two little girls, maybe seven or eight, were handing the princess some flowers.

Rome took a step closer, and waved at some of the security guards.

Then the fence gave way.

The crowd surged forward. Princess Sofia’s mouth moved, and he was pretty sure she’d cursed.

And the man in the ball cap lunged at Sofia, sunlight glinting off the knife in his hand.

Fuck. Rome charged into the fray.

Chapter Two

“Get back!” Rome roared.

He shoved people out of his path. He had to get to Sofia.

Some assholes were still taking pictures. Rome pushed through. The princess had her arms around the two little girls, shielding them from the man with the knife.

The man slashed out, and Sofia shoved the girls back.

With a growl, Rome lunged. He rammed his arm down, hitting the man’s forearm. There was a sharp crack, and the man let out a high-pitched yelp. The knife hit the ground.

Rome kicked the blade away, grabbed the man, and shoved him facedown on the tarmac. “Move and I’ll break your neck.”

The man went still.

Security guards rushed in, some controlling the crowd, while two sprinted toward Rome.

“Secure him and call the police,” Rome ordered, spinning back to Sofia.

She was trying to console the crying girls. Her pink-gold hair had tumbled free, spilling around her shoulders.

“It’s okay now. You’re safe.”

Not worried about her own safety. Two frightened women ran to the little girls.

“Thank you,” one cried. “My baby.”

As the mothers grabbed their daughters. Rome moved to Sofia, he saw her face was pale, her breathing fast. Not stopping to think, he scooped her into his arms. He pulled her tight against his chest and felt her burrow into him, one arm sliding across his shoulders. He heard her quick, shaky intakes of breath.

He jerked his head at the other guards. The men fell in behind him, blocking them off from the crowd.

Ahead, a limousine was waiting, the driver watching with a shocked expression. A worried assistant stood beside him, wringing her hands.

“Meet us at the house,” Rome barked.

He bypassed the limo and strode to the black Norcross Security BMW X6 he’d driven.

He maneuvered her so he could open the back door of the SUV.

Sofia shook her head. “I want to sit in the front.”

Her face was sheet-white, but she met his gaze. She was getting herself together.

Made of sterner stuff than he’d guessed.

“I hate sitting alone in the back like a self-important idiot,” she said.

He nodded and circled the car. He put her in the passenger seat before heading for the driver’s seat.

Once in, he gunned the engine and pulled out. He drove out of the airport, and once they were heading north to the city, he glanced her way.

Her hands were twisted in her lap. Her hair was falling in waves of pink-gold around her shoulders.

“You okay?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yes, thanks to you.” She dragged in a deep breath. “I’ve grown up with this, and sometimes I forget the insanity of obsession.” Her voice lowered. “They don’t see me as a living, breathing person.”

“Hey.” He reached out and grabbed her hand.

He immediately regretted it.

She sucked in a sharp breath, and her fingers squeezed his. Rome felt a jolt through his body. Sofia must have felt it too, because she froze.

At least she had some color back in her cheeks now.

“I’m going to keep you safe, Princess. I promise.”

She swallowed, then let his hand go. “Thank you, Mr. Nash.”

“Rome. It’ll be a long, few days if you keep calling me Mr. Nash.”

She hesitated. “Rome.”

She rolled it around, saying it with her slight accent. He liked Copyright 2016 - 2024