The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,31

roared and dropped her.

Sofie ran.

She pumped her arms and legs. She’d lost her shoes, and sharp things pricked at her feet.

She didn’t stop.

The rain was still falling, and there was another crack of thunder that made her jolt.

She wasn’t stopping.

She wasn’t giving up.

She had a life to live, and a man she was totally entranced by. She wouldn’t let anyone jeopardize that.

Sofie spilled out of the alley and turned left.

Where the hell was everyone? The driving rain was keeping people off the sidewalk.

She heard the man coming after her.

Her chest was burning, a sob welling in her throat.

The man was gaining on her. His heavy, wet footsteps were getting closer.

A hand sank into her hair.

Ow. Ow. Tears pricked her eyes, and the sting in her scalp was horrible. She turned and rammed her fingers into his eyes.

He slapped at her, the blow catching her chest and sending her stumbling backward. The phone flew out of her hand. No.

Sofie caught herself, spun, and ran again.

And rammed into a hard chest.

“You okay, Princess?”

Oh no. Not another one.

She looked up. Blinked.

The tall man wore a suit, and even wet, he was smoking hot. She thought his hair was light brown, but it was hard to tell in the rain. It was well cut around a handsome, aristocratic face, and gorgeous green eyes.

“I’m Saxon Buchanan. From Norcross.”

Relief punched through her. “I’m okay.”

With a nod, Saxon pushed her behind him.

“Fuck off, asshole,” her attacker growled. “This is none of your business.”

Saxon cocked his head. “It’s very much my business. You get off knocking women around?”

The man lifted his hand, fingers curling into a fist. “I said, fuck off.”

“I don’t think so,” Saxon drawled. He sounded like he was having a polite conversation at a party.

The man advanced.

Sofie sucked in a breath.

Then Saxon moved.

He slammed several blows into her attacker.

Wow. He looked…almost elegant. He whirled, planted a kick in the man’s gut. The guy groaned.

Saxon followed through with two punches, then a vicious chop to the back of the man’s neck.

Her attacker dropped to the wet sidewalk, tried to pull himself up, then flopped down.

Saxon pulled something from his pocket, then tied the man’s hands behind his back.

Sofie shivered. She was cold. Nervous energy jittered through her body.

“You’re safe now.” Saxon rose.

She nodded. “Rome? Is he okay?”

“I’m sure he will be. Rome’s faced a lot of tough situations.”

She grabbed Saxon’s shirt. “Please, I need to know. I lost the phone—” She glanced around, but there was no sign of it.

Saxon eyed her, then nodded. He pulled out his cell phone.

“Vander? Yeah, I got her. She was busy beating up a bad guy.” A faint smile crossed Saxon’s handsome face. “Yeah, okay.” He ended the call. “Rome’s fine. They’re on their way.”

Sofie couldn’t quite believe it, wouldn’t, until she saw him.

A violent shiver wracked her.

“Come here, Your Highness. You’re freezing.”

Saxon pulled her to his hard chest. He was wet, but warm. She held on.

“Thank you for the rescue.”

“You were doing a damn good job of rescuing yourself, Princess.”

She felt a spurt of pride. “Please, call me Sofie. That’s what my friends call me.”

“You did good, Sofie.”

Saxon smelled good, and he was so warm, heat pumping off him. She held on until she heard the screech of tires.

Two black X6s jerked to a halt beside them. She saw Vander leap out of one, his face set with a dark look.

Sofie shivered. That man was a little scary.

Then another door slammed, and she swiveled to see Rome.

All she saw was Rome.

He looked fine. His dark gaze zeroed in on her like a laser.

She broke free of Saxon and ran.

Then she was in Rome’s arms.

He lifted her off her feet, holding her against his chest. He was hot as well, and she pressed her face against his neck.

“I’ve got you, Sofie.”

She gripped him tightly, and finally, she felt safe.

“I’m taking you home,” he said.

Chapter Nine

Rome sat in the backseat of the X6, Sofie cradled in his arms. Vander was driving.

She was soaking wet and shivering.

But she was alive.

Rome released a slow breath. For what felt like an eternity, he hadn’t known if she was all right.

He’d taken down their attackers, but he’d known one had followed her.

Hunting her down.

He tightened his hold. She made a sound and burrowed deeper.

“I was so worried,” she murmured.

“You’re safe now.”

“I was terrified they’d hurt you.”

Rome stilled. She’d been worried about him? Fuck. Emotion swelled in him.

He met Vander’s gaze in the rearview mirror. His boss shot him a knowing look but didn’t say anything.

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