The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,29

Sofie muttered.

Rome watched her sink back in her seat, her gaze turning inward. There was something working in that head of hers.

“You want to share what you’re thinking?” he asked.

She shook herself. “Just thinking some very unkind thoughts about thieves.”

“What about Robin Hood?”

“Robin Hood is excluded. He’s a thief with honor.”

Rome grunted.

She turned in her seat. “You don’t admire the mysterious thief? Even a little?”

“He should leave it to the cops.”

She arched a brow. “Do you always follow the letter of the law exactly?”

Rome’s lips twitched. “No. Sometimes you have to color outside the lines to get a job done.”

She nodded. “Exactly. Robin Hood returns stolen jewelry. I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

“Maybe your thief will get this tiara back, too.”

She nibbled her lip. “I hope so.”

Something in her voice made him narrow his gaze. “You know something about this theft?”

“What? No.”

He was about to question her some more when movement in the rearview mirror caught his gaze.

A dirty, gray SUV was following them. The streets were pretty empty, thanks to the storm, but the SUV was staying right behind them.

Rome took the next turn.

The SUV followed.

He glanced over. Sofie’s belt was on. Ahead, another SUV turned from a side street in front of them. It was the same gray, and make and model, as the one behind them.

Fuck. Boxed in.

Rome’s focus narrowed. He had to keep Sofie safe.

He thumbed a button on the wheel. He felt Sofie glancing at him.

“Yeah.” Vander’s deep voice answered.

“It’s Rome. I’m driving the princess back from City Hall, and we picked up some friends.”

Sofie gasped, and looked back.

“Two gray Escalades have boxed us in.”

“I’ve got your location,” Vander said. “I’m on my way with Saxon and Rhys.”

“I’ll try to lose them. Weather’s shit, Vander.”

“Yeah. Lose them if you can, or stall them. See you soon.”

Rain splattered against the windshield.

“Rome?” There was fear in her voice.

He reached over and squeezed her hand. “It’s going to be okay.”

“Really? It doesn’t feel okay.”

“Hold on and keep your head down.”

He sped up. The Escalade ahead of them braked, while the one behind them accelerated.

Rome dodged around the one in front and yanked the wheel.

The X6 responded like a dream. It shot down the street, and ahead, traffic thickened a little, but he turned another corner.

“They’re following,” Sofie said, voice tense.

He sped down the street. Thankfully, this one was nearly empty.

The Escalade was right behind them. Rome braked hard, then jerked the wheel.

Sofie screamed. Their sleek SUV skidded on the wet road, and he whipped them through a 180-degree turn.

He stomped a foot on the accelerator, then they careened down the wrong side of the road, past the pursuing SUVs. Then he jerked them back to the right side of the road.

“Oh, my God!” Sofie pressed one hand to her chest, the other braced on the dash. She let out a laugh. “That was incredible.”

Rome shook his head. He couldn’t rattle his princess.

But they hadn’t gone far when he saw the SUVs pull in behind them again.

Fuck. Where the hell were Vander and the others?

Rome turned again, then suddenly, a garbage truck pulled out of an alley, blocking the street.

He slammed on the brakes, the SUV skidding to a stop.

“Oh, no,” Sofie said. “This isn’t good.”

“No.” Rome gritted his teeth. Come on, Vander.

The two SUVs stopped behind them. Through the driving rain, he watched the doors open, and several men get out.

They were all wearing black masks over their faces.


Ahead, two men leaped out of the garbage truck. They wore masks, too.

Rome opened his door. “Stay here.”

“Rome. You’re outnumbered!”

“I don’t think so. It’ll be okay.”

He’d deal with whoever the hell was trying to hurt her, and do whatever he needed to do.

The rain hit his face and immediately soaked into his jacket. The guys from the garbage truck reached him first. One was big and muscled, but it looked more for show. He’d be slow. The other was smaller and leaner.

Rome looked back and assessed. The other four guys were advancing slowly. No one had pulled any weapons.

He stayed silent, and saw the guys from the truck shift restlessly.

“The woman’s coming with us,” the big one said.

“No,” Rome replied.

Over his mask, the man’s brow creased. “There are six of us, and one of you.”

Rome shrugged. “I don’t care. She’s not going anywhere with you.”

The man beside the taller guy slammed his fist into his palm. “This should be fun.”

The other four were hanging back for now, but the two from the truck advanced.

Rome just breathed slowly, and waited. Copyright 2016 - 2024