This Body of Death Page 0,208

He added for them, and for Isabelle as well, the details he'd had off Abbott Langer, the bartender Heinrich, and Frazer Chaplin. He knew he was about to devastate Isabelle's position, but there was no way round it: He concluded by saying, with a nod at the large photo of the shirt, "I think we have two individuals interacting with Jemima in Abney Park Cemetery, guv. There was nothing in Matsumoto's wardrobe even vaguely resembling that shirt. He wears black and white - not bright colours - and even if that weren't the case, the clothing he had on that day, a tuxedo, was itself stained with her blood, as you've just said. He can't have been wearing both the tuxedo and the yellow shirt. So with yet another article of clothing bloodstained and with Jemima going to the cemetery to speak with a man, we've got two blokes there instead of one."

"That's how I've got it figured," Barbara Havers put in quickly. "So, guv, it seems to me that recalling Winnie and me to London - "

"One bloke to kill her and the other to ...what?" John Stewart asked.

"To watch over her, I suspect," Lynley said. "Something at which Matsumoto, seeing himself as her guardian angel, failed miserably."

"Hang on, Thomas," Ardery said.

"Hear me out," Lynley replied. He saw her eyes widen slightly and he knew she wasn't pleased. He was going in a completely different direction, and God knew she had very good reason for the investigation's maintaining its progress towards Matsumoto as the killer. "A bloke met her there to hear her hard truths," Lynley said. "We've got this from the psychic and, her profession aside, I think she's to be believed. If we ignore all Yolanda's additional maundering about Jemima and the house in Oxford Road, she's merely relating to us her own encounters with the woman. So from her we know that a man in Jemima's life needed to hear something and Yolanda suggested a „place of peace' for their meeting. Jemima knew about the cemetery, as she'd been photographed there. That was the spot she chose."

"With Matsumoto just happening to be there?" Ardery demanded.

"He likely followed her."

"All right. But let's assume this wasn't the only time he followed her. Why would it have been? Why only on this particular day? That makes no sense. So if he was stalking her, he likely was the man who needed to hear the hard truths, those being leave me alone or I'll have you for stalking. But he anticipates this is the way the conversation will go and, like all mad stalkers, he's come with a weapon. Yellow shirt or not, bloodstained tuxedo or not, how do you explain that weapon in his possession, Thomas?"

"How do you explain the blood on two kinds of clothing?" John Stewart put in.

Glances were exchanged among the others present. It was his tone. He was taking sides.

Lynley didn't want this. It was not his intention to turn the investigation into a political intrigue.

He said, "He sees her meet someone in the cemetery. They decamp to the chapel annex for a more private word."

"Why?" Isabelle asked. "They're already in a private spot. Why does it need to be more private?"

"Because whoever she's there to meet is there to kill her," Havers put in. "So he makes the request. „Let's go over there. Let's go in that building.' Guv, we need to - "

Lynley held up a hand. "Perhaps they're arguing. One of them gets up, begins to pace.

The other follows. They go inside but only the killer emerges. Matsumoto sees this. He waits for Jemima to come out as well. When she doesn't, he goes to investigate."

"For God's sake, wouldn't he notice the other bloke had blood on his shirt?"

"He may have done. Perhaps that's why he went to investigate. But I think it's more likely that the other bloke would have taken that shirt off and stowed it. He'd have to have done so. He can't leave the cemetery with blood all over him."

"Matsumoto did."

"Which is what suggests to me that he didn't kill her, not that he did."

"This is bollocks," Ardery said.

"Guv, it isn't," Havers broke in, and her tone declared she was serious this time. She would be heard and damn the consequences. "There's something not right in Hampshire. We need to get back there. Winnie and I - "

"Oh you two lovebirds," John Stewart put in.

Lynley said automatically, "That'll do, John," forgetting his return from acting superintendent to inspector.

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