Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,72

territory you have now.”

“An interesting offer…” Gideon gave a dark chuckle. “And if we refuse?”

“Discover the consequences at your peril.” Alex’s voice suddenly sounded as lethal as the wolves’ growls.

The pack seemed to back down, if only for a moment. Ellie felt Lila using her power to heighten emotion, building on the fear and paranoia that seemed to be inherent within the Vyusher, despite their superior numbers and fighting experience. And despite their confident bluster, now dread ran rampant and unchecked among them.

“Fear,” she heard Gideon muse thoughtfully. It took her a moment to realize that she was hearing his thoughts and that the wolf pack was hearing it along with her. “Very clever.”

It was almost like he was a connoisseur of gifts, so detached was he in his appreciation. The wolves seemed to laugh as they collectively shrugged off that feeling of fear. Ellie felt Lila’s sudden confusion and heard Griffin passing on Lila’s thoughts to them all.

Lila shook her head “It’s not that they are forcing me out. It’s more like my power isn’t working anymore.”

Ellie and Griffin both scowled and turned their attention back to the wolves. Gideon bowed his head in a patronizing manner. “Very well,” he agreed. “We will take our chances. See if you can defeat us this night.”

Chapter 35

An invisible signal must have passed through the pack. But it was a cue that not even Griffin had picked up on. As one, the wolves sprang out of the trees and rushed their small group. There were hundreds of them, all different colors and sizes, fur raised high on their massive backs, lips curling up to expose their sharp teeth. Only Gideon remained motionless, grinning maniacally in his wolf form.

Ellie and the others in the circle braced themselves as the wolves bore down on them. Ellie flashed their next step to them and then together they waited for her signal. To Ellie it felt like time slowed down and sped up in the same instant. She had to wait for just the right moment before springing her trap. But under the onslaught of the wolves, she weathered an internal struggle of immense proportions. Griffin and Alex gripped her hands tightly, both feeling the same terror she did.

“Not yet,” she thought to the members of the circle. “Just a little closer...”

When she could almost feel the hot breath of the wolf closest to her on her face, Ellie signaled Ramsey. Immediately, Ramsey sent up a wall of fire surrounding their small circle, cutting off the wolves’ charge. As soon as the flames appeared, Ellie heard the anguished howls of the Vyusher caught in the blaze. The other wolves hastily retreated, and Ramsey moved quickly to take advantage of their hesitation. He shot the wall of fire outward from its position around their circle. But just as the flames were about to reach more of the wolves, the magical inferno went out completely, as if it had never been there to begin with.

“I didn’t do that!” Ramsey exclaimed. In his astonishment he’d forgotten to communicate through only his thoughts.

The wolves didn’t immediately resume their charge, apparently awaiting new instructions from their leader. Ellie tried to use Griffin’s mind reading ability, but only silence greeted her.

“Griffin?” she thought. “Griffin?!” She mentally shouted for him.


She looked at him, a panicked question in her eyes. He just shook his head. He couldn’t hear anything either, not just the wolves, but everything. Suddenly it dawned on Ellie that someone in the Vyusher had the ability to stop any power they became aware of, possibly once in use. Ellie’s best guess was that Gideon was controlling them, but she couldn’t be sure.

She decided to test her theory. “Charlotte,” she yelled, “are you able to move us?”

Nothing happened.

“No!” Charlotte replied, panicked.

“Do not use your powers!” Ellie shouted. “The second they know a power exists, they can disable it somehow.”

Since wolves had excellent hearing, it would be especially difficult to coordinate.


“It’s still there,” he confirmed cryptically, knowing what she was asking him. The defensive shield was still up. Not visible or obvious, so the wolves weren’t aware of its existence... yet.

Ellie thought fast.

“You all need to trust me!” she yelled, and turned to her twin. “Griffin… Turn it off for a second and do not attack.”

He nodded his understanding. They would use his shield as long as it wasn’t obvious.

Ellie tapped into Lucy’s ability to sense intentions. The pack’s new plan was to regroup and charge again, plowing right into her family and Copyright 2016 - 2024