Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,64

Ellie reveled in the feel of his hard body above her. Kissing his way down the column of her throat, Alex nibbled back up to her ear, taking the lobe between his teeth and tugging gently. Shivers of ecstasy raced through her body.

Ellie strained to get closer as he took her mouth with his again. Alex suddenly broke off the kiss, eliciting a whimper of protest from Ellie. Burying his face in her neck, he lay there motionless for a time, waiting for his body to calm.

“Too much, too soon. I know, baby. Sorry, but you are just too damn tempting, Ellie Aubrey.” They gazed into each other’s eyes, content for now to just lie there together.

Only when Ellie shivered from lying in the snow so long did Alex finally let her up.

“Come on.” He tugged on her hand, leading her back home. “Let’s get you warm.”

If only he knew how hot he’d made her already…

“Hey…you are planning on letting me finish high school… and maybe even college… before marriage and kids? Right?”

Alex shrugged and gave her hand a small squeeze. “I guess there’s no rush while you’re in high school,” he agreed. “Although I would like to get a ring on that finger that scares off all those over-eager college guys. You still sure you want to go?”

Ellie rolled her eyes, secretly enjoying his small display of possessiveness. She knew he was confident enough in himself and their love. “You want to finish your degree right? Well, where you go, I go. Besides, I haven’t tried college before. I like the idea of getting a degree. It’s only in the last century or so that it’s become acceptable for women to receive a higher education.”

“Have you decided on a major yet?”

“Ummm… there’s too many to choose from. I don’t need a degree for a living like most people since we have so much money—“

“And we have Dexter.”

“Huh?” Ellie tripped over her feet as she turned to look at Alex.

“He can turn anything into metal,” he steadied her with a hand at her elbow.


“Gold and silver are metals… he can turn anything into gold. That’s one of the ways we make money. Although he’s still mastering the skill.”

“Oh!” Ellie almost slapped her forehead as a thought occurred to her. I’ll have to talk to Dexter later, she thought to herself.

They paused outside the back door, snatching one last kiss, one last moment of privacy, before joining the chaos of their family.

Everyone else had woken and started breakfast during their absence. As they walked into the kitchen, Adelaide, sitting at the bar in the dining room, grinned the second she saw them together.

They just smiled back but didn’t say anything and knew that Adelaide wouldn’t either. They had lots of time.

Chapter 31

The next few weeks fell into a pattern. In the mornings, Ellie, Adelaide, Lila, and Nate went to school. Evenings were reserved for training and preparing for the coming battle. Tonight they were fighting guys against girls. Alex stood off to the side watching. Sometimes they took one of them out of the equation so they could practice working together when they didn’t have all powers in play, and it was Alex’s turn to referee.

“Everyone have their instructions?” Ellie asked the girls. Heads nodded in unison. “Charlotte, you know what to do. Okay then, let’s go!” The ladies and the men all disbursed and headed into the woods, practicing being scattered when the attack came. Ellie thought through their plan. Charlotte was the key to gathering them all together.

“Go!” Alex’s voice boomed from the clearing.

Ellie instantly transformed into the falcon and swiftly gained altitude, making sure to block Griffin’s mind reading. She found Charlotte, who had already located Lucy. With further inspection, Ellie located where Lila and Adelaide were in the woods.

Silently, to keep their location secret from the men, she dove toward Charlotte, transforming back to human as soon as she was on the ground. In silence, she and Lucy both held hands with Charlotte. Then Ellie tapped into Charlotte’s power to first transport them to Adelaide, and then to Lila, and finally to the field where Alex was waiting.

The guys were a little slower to make it to the clearing without Charlotte’s help. But eventually the girls were surrounded.

Nate and Dexter lunged simultaneously. Using Lucy’s precognition, Ellie had seen it coming, and using Charlotte’s teleportation, she had moved them out of the way, popping back up behind where the guys stood. Nate and Dexter landed in empty space Copyright 2016 - 2024