Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,60

ice blue this time, and explored for a few minutes. There were definitely two separate abilities, both very subtle with lots of potential uses and applications.

“Woo! Lila, you will have some fun mastering these skills,” Ellie assured her friend with a conspiratorial grin. Ellie concentrated on the one part that she was most interested in at the moment.

“Oh!” She suddenly realized that she and Griffin together would be more effective showing anyone how to use their power. She could tap in, and Griffin could show them what he saw her doing with it, a much more effective method.

Griffin was already walking toward her when she looked up to call him over. Everyone else had apparently decided to join him.

“It seemed like everyone was coming over, so we figured we might as well get front row seats,” Hugh said.

“That was quite an impressive display,” Lucy added, giving Ramsey a hug.

Alex moved to stand beside her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Did I say amazing? You are so incredible you take my breath away, Miss Aubrey.”

Ellie shivered with pleasure at his words and the nearness of his body.

Griffin moved and took both her and Lila’s hands, making a little circle. Between the two of them, they showed Lila how to start manipulating her ability to heal people’s emotions. In Ramsey’s case, she could help him find the peace that would take away his anger and his anxiety, giving him the control he required. The peace already resided there inside him. She just directed him to it to help it grow and overpower the anger and fear.

It would take a long time before Lila would master it. But today, at least, they could help her learn enough of it to help Ramsey.

Lila was glowing with her newly discovered abilities by the time they were done.

“Sensing other people’s emotions always came in handy, but not in any active way,” she enthused. “It’s going to be awesome to be able to do something.”

Ellie shared her pride. “Don’t discount your other gift,” she encouraged. “There’s a lot more to it than you even realize yet. We can work more on it later if you want.” Looking to Ramsey, she added, “You ready?”

Ramsey shot an indecipherable look at Lila and then nodded.

Ellie and Griffin took Ramsey’s hands, while Lila took Ellie’s other hand just in case she needed her help.

Coordinating every one of their four powers in such a way that allowed Ellie to teach Ramsey was quite a test. He started off slowly.

“Whoa!” he exclaimed as what was supposed to be a six inch flame leapt six feet up into the air.

Ellie touched the red glow inside him. “Feel that?” she asked, as she controlled the flame, keeping it from going higher.


“Okay, hold onto that. It’s almost like you’re instructing the flame on what to do.”

“Uh-huh,” Ramsey grunted.

“Okay, I’m giving you back control. Got it?”

“Got it…” Ellie could practically feel the excitement explode through Ramsey, his grip tightening almost painfully. “Oh my God! I do! I have it.” The flame shrank down to six inches and then seemed to do a little dance.

“Excellent!” Ellie enthused. “Now let’s try projecting it…”

At the end of about an hour of concentrated effort, Ramsey could regulate his emotions, though still with Lila’s help, and bring out a small flame in his hand for an extended period of time without its going wild.

“It’s going to take a lot more work to expand your control and make it a mastered skill,” Ellie warned Ramsey at the end of the session.

Ramsey nodded his understanding.

“I also suspect that you’ll need Lila close by for several more years before being able to master the emotional side of your ability on your own,” Ellie added.

Ramsey appeared visibly pleased, and certainly more relaxed than Ellie had ever seen him. Griffin mentally told her, “Until today, he’d thought his gift would consume him and possibly someone he loved. He thought he might have to stay away from people for the rest of his life. That he might have to leave his family if he didn’t get a grip sometime soon. And now, all of that had changed in the space of an evening.” It explained a lot about Ramsey’s personality.

Exhaustion washed over Ellie, but she powered through. With Griffin’s help, she showed Charlotte how to teleport without the popping sound. Ellie would’ve gone on to work on teleporting groups of people with Charlotte, but Alex shook his head at her.

“I think that’s enough for tonight,” Copyright 2016 - 2024