Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,49

of all of that, that’s what you decided to focus on?” She raised her head from Alex’s shoulder to tease in return.

“We have to leave,” Lucy said, fear evident as she wrung her hands.

Griffin shook his head. “They’ll expect that and follow you.” Suddenly, he swung his head sharply to look at Ellie as she mentally sent an idea his way. “Really?” he asked, also using his telepathy.

She nodded in response. “They won’t be able to know.” She paused and thought for a second. “I think we could…” She paused again thinking through her plan, letting him follow along with her mental process.

Everyone else in the room sat forward, glancing at each other with baffled expressions.

“Can you do that?” Griffin asked her aloud, having noticed the confusion in the room.

“If I have enough time to heal and then to practice, I think so,” Ellie answered, aloud as well, sitting up.

“You’ve never tried.” He popped up from the sofa to pace the room.

“I’ve never had the chance to try the first part,” she reminded him quietly. “And the other part, well you’re powerful enough now to contain me if I can’t control it.”

Griffin stood at the window staring outside as he thought. Finally he turned to look at her and then nodded. Ellie relaxed slightly. Her reluctant brother had agreed to help her protect this family.

“Would you care to clue the rest of us in?” Alex murmured in her ear. He slid his hand under her hair to rest lightly at the nape of her neck. He was the only one who seemed amused by the interchange between the twins, as everyone else appeared equal parts confused and frustrated. Ellie felt secretly relieved by his behavior, wondering why he was taking all of this so well. But she didn’t want to press it.

“That was about a couple of different things. First, during my fight with the pack today, I touched several of them. I learned a few things, although in flashes only.” She paused, remembering.

“That black wolf wasn’t there tonight,” she continued, plucking at a loose thread in her sweatshirt. “Although he did give the orders for the attack. He’s the king of the Vyusher, as far as we can tell. His name is Gideon. All of the Vyusher are wolf metamorphs, but like Griffin and me, some have additional skills. Someone in the pack—it’s hard for me to tell who, but it seems like it might be Gideon—has the ability to see anyone with powers, what those powers are, and how the person uses those powers. Past, present, and future. But it’s easier for them to zero in on large groups. They have a hard time when it’s only a couple of us.”

She turned to Griffin as he resumed his seat beside her. “That seems to be part of how they were so effective at decimating our clan. They knew exactly what our powers were. They prepared a plan around each of us, and in what order to attack. And they always attacked the strongest first, although there seems to be more to it than that.” Ellie’s brow furrowed, frustrated with the gaps in her vision.

“Is there a way around Gideon’s power?” Hugh asked. He steepled his fingers as he contemplated the brother and sister.

“There is for your family. Apparently, someone in this group is able to block their ability to see and understand your gifts. They can tell that you have them but not what they are. It seems like Griffin and I were also protected under this power. Based on what I could see in the pack collective mind, that small attack had been more recon than anything— they don’t know how many of us there are, or what powers we have. It gives us an advantage.” Ellie paused for a second and then added quietly, “Unless you want to scatter and live apart the rest of your lives. And even then, you’d be in constant danger. We’re going to have to fight them. And defeat them. There’s no other option.”

Chapter 24

Everyone silently pondered this bleak news. Regardless of the advantage, none of them had ever had to fight before…especially not for their lives. The room seemed to take a collective breath, everyone changing position. Ramsey moved restlessly to stare out the window. Ellie caught Lila’s surreptitious but concerned glance at the red-haired boy.

“You said ‘first’,” Lucy reminded her, reclaiming her attention. “Is there a second?”

Ellie nodded slowly as she pulled her legs up to sit cross-legged on Copyright 2016 - 2024