Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,44

ability to heal. She really was feeling so much better. Her thoughts were getting much clearer as that warm, tingly feeling continued to move and flow through her body. She now became fully aware of all the people in the room. Tapping into Griffin’s power to read minds, she discovered that the whole family was there.

“Just a few more minutes,” Hugh murmured.

The room fell silent for those few remaining moments it took the two of them to work in tandem, healing the last of the wounds she’d sustained in her fight with the wolf pack.

Wolf pack? Ellie thought. Why does that sound like something important…?

And in an instant, everything came rushing back to her.

A small gasp escaped her lips, and she struggled to open her eyes until she heard Griffin reassure her, “It’s alright. Everyone is safe and the Vyusher are gone, Ellie.”

“What’s wrong?” she heard Alex ask.

“She just remembered everything that happened.” Griffin’s calm explanation soothed the room in general. To Ellie, he added, “We’ll go over everything once Hugh is done fixing you.”

“That just about does it,” Hugh finally pronounced, satisfied though weary. The room stayed silent, and Ellie guessed they were all waiting for her to react in some way. But she preferred to just lie here and not have to face everything. She didn’t want to relive the fight. Nor did she particularly want to discuss with these people who she and Griffin were, as well as the reason for the wolves’ attack.

“Come on, lazy bones,” Griffin gave her a mental prod, clearly amused at her thought process.

“Get out of my head, Griff,” she responded.

With a resigned sigh, Ellie opened her eyes and sat up gingerly. The first person she looked at was Griffin, and the nightmare of what she’d just been through rushed over her in waves. Griffin obviously followed her thoughts because she found herself suddenly engulfed in a bear hug. “Don’t you ever do anything like that again,” he ordered gruffly. “I almost lost you there,” he added silently.

She hugged him back. “Love you, too.”


Alex was unsure what to make of the scene unfolding before him. Clearly Ellie and Griffin had a close relationship, though just what the relationship was remained unclear. Alex felt conflicted – on one hand, he was relieved Ellie was better. But on the other, she was in the arms of another guy.

Who is this guy? Alex thought, as he realized that Ellie was still holding his own hand tightly. What is going on here?


Ellie moved from Griffin’s embrace. Still holding Alex’s hand, she pulled him up off the floor and onto the couch beside her, cradling their linked hands in her lap. Griffin moved around from the back of the couch and took a seat on her other side. She silently assessed her surroundings. They were in a large living room. A great stone fireplace took up one wall, with a large flat-screened TV mounted beside it. The furniture was comfortable and laid out in a way that encouraged social gatherings. The other wall was entirely windows, facing out into the clearing behind the house. A lovely, homey room.

Then she glanced around at the group of Svatura that she and Griffin had been watching from afar. Nate sat beside Adelaide on the floor, cradling her slightly as she leaned back against him. Lila sat beside her sister. Despite the anxious expressions of every single person in the room, Adelaide seemed very pleased about something. Ellie made a mental note to ask her later.

Hugh had moved across the room to sit with his wife on the loveseat. He had light brown hair and kind brown eyes….what one would consider conventionally handsome. And now Ellie knew that his power was the ability to heal. Judging by the extent of her wounds, and the relatively short amount of time it had taken him to fix her, he had to be very powerful.

Looking at Lucinda, or Lucy, as they all called her, Ellie saw where Adelaide and Lila got their looks. She had long, honey-blonde hair, wide green eyes and an open, welcoming demeanor. Thanks to Griffin, Ellie already knew of Lucy’s ability to see people’s intentions, as well as the essence of who they were.

Ellie looked at the other three people in the room. She was aware of their names but knew little else about them. Dexter and Charlotte, the other married couple, sat together in the corner of the room. They were younger than Hugh and Lucy, but still appeared Copyright 2016 - 2024