Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,24

try to follow them.” The urgency of the situation came through loud and clear.

“We’re about to eat pizza, Griff. What on Earth should I say? Where are you anyway?”

“I’m just down the street. It seemed like a good idea for us to do this together.” That sounded like her prudent brother.

“Okay…” Ellie’s mind raced. “Stay out of sight until we’re in the pizza place. Then call my cell phone. Make it sound urgent. I’ll meet you outside.”

“Alright,” came his quiet reply. Just like Griffin to not make a fuss or ask questions.

They were just sitting down inside the restaurant when Ellie’s phone rang. She made a bit of a show about checking the caller ID, frowning a little, and then answering it like she wasn’t sure what he would want. “Hi, Griffin.” She put a questioning lilt in her voice.

“I’m waiting outside.”

“I’m at that little pizza place downtown. You know along the river…” She made a little show of acting like he’d cut her off and widened her eyes. “Oh!” she injected with surprise. “You are?” She turned to look out the window and saw him standing there. She waved.

In her mind she told him, “Turn around and pretend like you’re talking some more,” and watched as her twin did just that.

She pretended to listen carefully. “Okay. Hold on, I’ll come out. Just a sec.”

She turned her attention back to the table to encounter four pairs of very curious eyes. She scrunched her face apologetically. “Sorry. I’ll be right back.” Getting up to leave she added, “Order me a Coke, please?” With that she hurried outside to her brother.

“Okay, Griff, they’re watching. They have no idea who you are or what you want with me. I’ll go back in after we talk for a second and tell them that I have to go home. Hopefully I can move fast enough that they won’t have time to ask questions. So make it look urgent.”

Griffin gave her a pointed look.

“Well,” Ellie amended, “As urgent as it really is, I guess.”

“There’re three of them,” Griffin started. “They were within about five miles of the Jenner and Pierce houses but headed that direction, so I’m guessing they’re much closer by now. I think they’re just checking things out. It seemed like a good idea to follow them together in case something does happen and we need to intervene.”

Ellie nodded gravely. “Good thinking. Let me go get my things and make an excuse to them. I’ll be right back.”

Griffin waited outside while Ellie ran back in.

“I’m so sorry,” she began, avoiding Alex’s intense gaze. “I’ve got to go home.”

“Who’s that?” Adelaide asked staring out the window.

Ellie glanced over her shoulder. “Oh, that’s just Griffin,” she dismissed airily, pretending not to see the confusion on Alex’s face. She hadn’t mentioned Griffin to him yet. Glancing around at her friends, something about the look on Adelaide’s face made Ellie debate whether or not the other girl could see the real relationship between Ellie and her brother. But she couldn’t deal with that right at the moment.

“Is anything wrong?” Lila asked, concerned.

“Umm… I don’t think so,” Ellie said, “Just a bit of a minor emergency it sounds like.” She swung her backpack onto her shoulder and grabbed her purse off the back of her chair.

She circled the table and gave Adelaide and Lila both hugs. “I had a lot of fun tonight, even if it was just homework…” She grinned. “We definitely have to do this again. Maybe next time I’ll actually get to eat.”

As she started to move away, Alex stood and caught her elbow. Bending down he murmured in her ear, “You’re being vague again, Elle. Everything really okay?”

Ellie could see true concern in his silvery eyes, and her heart warmed a little bit more toward him. “Everything’s fine,” she lied. “Still on for our run in the morning?” The worry didn’t ease from his eyes, but he let go and nodded.

“See you at school tomorrow,” she said to the rest of her friends, giving them a little wave. And then she headed for the door.


“Do you know that guy?” Alex asked after Ellie left. He felt irritated with himself for the absurd twinge of jealousy he’d felt watching her talk to the golden-haired boy outside. Sheesh. He’d only just been dealing with those same feelings with the boy at the library. Twice in one night was borderline ridiculous. He couldn’t seriously act this way with every boy that talked to Ellie. He wouldn’t allow himself Copyright 2016 - 2024