Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,19

couldn’t invite them to her house; Griffin needed to stay off their radar for as long as possible. Plus, she’d have to explain about having no parents. While she and Griffin already had their story prepared, Ellie didn’t want to lie to her new friends. But there were other places they could study.

A little hesitantly she asked, “Would your parents be okay with you staying in town and studying at the library with me?”

Adelaide perked up. “Yeah! At least, I think they’d be fine with that.”

“We could study after school, and maybe get some pizza for dinner before you go home?”

“Sounds great! I’ll ask my parents tonight. Is tomorrow still okay?”


As the two girls exchanged hugs, a car horn sounded close by. Adelaide turned, raised her hand and waved. “There’s Alex.” Turning back to Ellie she explained, “He had to borrow the car today so he’s picking us up. Gotta go, see you tomorrow.” She skipped away to join Lila and Nate.

Ellie fought with herself for a moment. She wasn’t quite sure what to think about the fact that her friends didn’t appear to know about her morning runs with their brother. Not wanting to turn around and see him and unable to resist it at the same time, she lost the battle and glanced over her shoulder, her gaze immediately colliding with Alex’s.

She had no idea why, but a blush crept slowly up her face. Annoyed with her lack of self-control on so many levels, she moved to get into her own car, only to be stopped by Jill. They’d become friends over the last few months. Jill was a sweet girl, but a little boy-crazy.

“Did you see Alex Jenner?” Jill gave a dramatic sigh. “He is just so gorgeous!”

Ellie grinned her mutual appreciation. “Do you know him?”

“No.” Jill’s expression was hilariously tragic. “He graduated a few years ago. Before I was in high school. I think he’s a sophomore in college now.”

“Oh…” Ellie was at a loss for words. “Well, I’d better get home. See ya, Jill!” And with a wave, she hopped in her car and drove away.

The following day as she was pulling into the school parking lot, Ellie saw Adelaide’s car pull in behind her. Once again, Alex was driving his siblings to school. He parked in the spot next to hers and came over to her door.

“Hi, Ellie.”

“Hi, Alex,” she replied, mimicking his casual attitude. Ellie looked around, unable to think of anything else to say since she’d just seen him earlier that morning, and became aware of the three pairs of curious eyes watching them.

“Hi, guys!” She gave Lila and Adelaide quick hugs, as always making sure she was careful not to touch their skin.

“Bye, Alex,” Lila called over her shoulder. They turned in tandem to walk into the school.

“Bye,” he called back. “See you later, Ellie…”

Ellie turned to smile back at him, and found him watching her with an oddly intent look. And the blush, the one that she was beginning to truly hate, flamed up her face again and she turned away as quickly as she could. She thought she heard his soft chuckle as she continued to hurry away. She just barely suppressed a hum of frustration.

Chapter 12

I must’ve looked like a blithering idiot, Ellie thought. She couldn’t believe how she could be so awkward with Alex now, but so comfortable with him when they met in the mornings. Lila linked an arm through Ellie’s, pulling her away from her inward contemplation.

“If it’s okay,” Lila started, “Can we get a ride with you to the library after school?”

“Of course.”

“Thanks! Alex is using the car again today. He’ll pick us up when we’re done with dinner.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Ellie said.

The day dragged on. Ellie found that even her favorite classes, English and French, were particularly boring today. She spent a lot of time absentmindedly doodling Alex’s name with little hearts in her notebook and watching as the hands of the clock seemed to cease all movement.

Ugh…This day is just never ending!

Sometimes, just to amuse herself, Ellie would tap into Griffin’s mind reading power and idly listen in on the high school gossip. Usually she didn’t like to invade people’s privacy, especially his. And if she did stumble on anything personal or anything mean, she always immediately moved away from those thoughts. Today there was apparently very little going on.

A bit of a competition was brewing between two of the girls Ellie sat with at lunch, Kayla and Rose, over Brian, Copyright 2016 - 2024