Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,17

had just been. In all of her morphs, Ellie’s exotic coloring showed through as a midnight black body and violet-blue eyes. As a falcon, this was quite striking up close, but from a distance, no one would notice anything unusual about her appearance. She spread her long wings, and with a mighty whoosh, she took flight.

Ellie quickly gained altitude. She worked off her frustration and impatience with the situation in a series of incredible dives. She would flap her strong wings to get high up in the air…spread out her feathers hovering a moment, enjoying the view, and then rocket back toward the earth. Sometimes she would level out well above the ground, other times she waited until the very last second before pulling out of the stoop. Her maneuvering left her both exhilarated and in a much-improved mood.

Ellie kept her word and didn’t go near the Jenner and Pierce properties, although she couldn’t resist occasionally turning her powerful sight in their direction, hoping to catch a glimpse of any of them. She had no luck, however. Cold and tired, she eventually turned back for home. Once she reached the clearing where she’d started, Ellie quickly morphed back into her human form, fully clothed. The control of her shift happened in her mind, and so when she returned to human form, it was exactly how she’d left it. She’d always been entertained by descriptions of shifters in stories showing them as naked when they turned back to human, thankful that that wasn’t how it worked.

“That was stretching it a bit, don’t you think?” Griffin called out the second she walked in the door. So he had been watching.

“If you don’t want me to block you from reading my mind completely, I suggest you keep your nose out of my business and have a little faith,” she replied using the fake voice she knew drove her brother nuts. She found him in his room reading a book. She paused in the doorway, leaning against the frame. “I stuck to the plan.”

He grunted and narrowed his eyes.

“I’m going to get some homework done, and then I’m going to sleep,” Ellie continued, too tired to argue. She knew he didn’t approve of her decision to come here, despite his agreeing to help her. In Ellie’s mind it was too important to pass up this chance. More important than keeping the peace with her twin.

The next morning at five-thirty on the dot, Alex pulled into the parking space beside Ellie’s car.

Ellie didn’t need Griffin’s mind reading ability to know that the bleary-eyed, I’m-so-tired routine Alex gave her was a pretense. He was Svatura after all. He needed just as little sleep as she did. But she grinned and played along.

“Come on, sleepyhead.” She grabbed his sleeve, careful not to touch him directly, and pulled him on to the path. “Time to wake up and get moving.”

They both started jogging. Alex adjusted his pace to stay beside Ellie.

“So do you compete in track at school?” Alex asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence while they jogged.


“Do you participate in any extracurricular activities?” he prodded.

“Not yet. I’ve only been at this school a little while,” she reminded him.

“Well, what about at your previous school?”

“Yeah, a few,” she answered.

Alex chuckled. “There’s that vagueness again.”

“Ugh. Sorry!” Ellie snagged a loose lock of hair and tucked it behind her ear. “I mostly participated in academic extracurricular activities like scholastic competitions and language clubs.”

“Ah! So you’re a brainiac rather than a jock?”

“Not really.”

“Because…?” Alex prompted after a lengthy pause.

“Mostly because we move so much. It’s easier to get into academic activities because the seasons for athletic activities are very specific, and I’d frequently miss try outs.”

“You move a lot, huh?” Alex almost sounded disappointed at that news, but glancing at his face Ellie could only see mild curiosity and so dismissed that thought as wishful thinking.

“Yeah, family reasons.” Ellie shrugged.

Alex cocked an eyebrow at her, mouthing, “Vague.” Ellie responded by wrinkling her nose at him.

“What about you? Law intern, huh? You must be some sort of brainiac yourself.”

“Nah,” Alex shrugged modestly. “I just worked really hard in school. I plan to go into environmental law like my dad.”

“Any sports?”

“Not really. Like you, we’ve moved around a lot. You know… family reasons.” Alex winked.

Ellie just pursed her lips and shook her head at him.

They chatted easily the rest of their run, and eventually made their way around the lake, arriving back at the point where they started. As they leaned Copyright 2016 - 2024