Blue Moon #3 (Story of Us Series - Into the Blue) - Sydney Jamesson Page 0,5

driver at the airport was ready and waiting.”

“Good.” I hold back on the details, namely that Charlotte handled almost everything. That would take some explaining, and there will be plenty of time for that later. “I’ll have your cases brought down so you can unpack and freshen up after your journey.”

“Thank you.” She kicks off a heeled shoe.

“I’ve arranged for dinner to be served at nine o’clock.” I reach for the door. “See you later. Just press the intercom by the bed if you need anything.”

She glances over at the set of four buttons by her bedside cabinet. “I’m sure I’ll be very comfortable here, Beth.”

There is a knock at the door. When I open it, Luke, the youngest and most handsome of the crew, appears dragging two cases.

“Where would you like the cases, ma’am?” he asks in a husky English accent.

I notice Sam following him with her eyes, momentarily lost for words.

“Just place them on the bed please, Luke,” I instruct. It’s a minimal task considering his muscular arms and torso. “Great. Thanks.”

He gives Sam a smile as he moves towards the door, feeling her removing his shirt with her eyes.

“Yes … thank you,” she calls out, tipping her head to the side to prolong her appraisal. “God in heaven, how many of them are there? I’ve seen two so far and they look as if they’ve stepped out of a men’s fitness magazine.” She chuckles, her excitement heightened by the prospect of spending time in the company of able-bodied seamen.

I reach for the doorknob. “There are four crew members, the Captain, a doctor and my companion and now you, of course.”

“Lucky me.” She grins and shakes her head. “And do they all look like that?”

“I suppose so. They like to keep fit and busy, so I don’t see much of them, really,” I lie.

She seems a little overwhelmed by everything. “Any idea how long you’ll be needing me here? I don’t have a return ticket.”

I pause to think. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll arrange to have you flown out from the nearest airport when we head into port. I expect you’ll be here no more than three days … four at the most. We’ll be setting sail in a few minutes and heading out to sea. It might take you a while to get used to it, but it’s a smooth ride. Even I haven’t felt seasick and … you know?” I place my hand on my stomach.

”Oh. You’re pregnant? I didn’t know that… Congratulations.”

What? How could she not remember? Never mind…

“Thank you.”

“I’ll get unpacked then.” She kicks off her other shoe. “Better to get this out of the way first, Beth?” She waits until she has my full attention. “I’m assuming that I’m here in my capacity as a journalist and not as another companion or a … tourist.”

“That’s right.”

“In which case, should I be taking notes? I don’t mean over dinner but—you know—when we start to have a real conversation?” She bites her lip, nervously.

Better to go with the truth.

”To be honest, much of what’s happening is covered by the Official Secrets’ Act.”

“It is!” Her interest is piqued. “That’s unusual for a separation … if you don’t mind me saying so.”

“Of course not. It’s not your run of the mill, irreconcilable differences, kind of separation,” I state, cheerfully. “You settle in and we’ll chat later.”

“Looking forward to it.” She begins unzipping her case. “One more thing…”

I look on wide-eyed. “Yes?”

“Are we dressing for dinner?” She shakes out a black evening dress from her case, holds it against her and swivels from left to right like a child playing dress-up.

Her antics are refreshingly lighthearted after this week’s emotional torment. “You can wear whatever you like, Sam.” I about turn. “Tell you what, seeing as it’s your first night here, and it’s such a pleasant evening, let’s dress for dinner. I’ll tidy myself up a bit and see you on deck at nine, okay?”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Still smiling, I make my way to my cabin with no idea what to wear. If I’m honest I have more pressing things to think about than dressing up for my own amusement, but she seemed to like the idea so what the hell…

Having asked Lance to prepare something special for dinner, I’ve slipped into a favourite dress of mine. I wore it in Paris and thankfully it still fits. I love the way the grey material ruches around my stomach, creating silken waves, and how the boned corset top Copyright 2016 - 2024