Blue Moon #3 (Story of Us Series - Into the Blue) - Sydney Jamesson Page 0,37

I’m about to follow up a query I have about sluggish distribution figures in Hong Kong, the double doors into my office swing open. Jake steps in looking very dapper in a black blazer and nicely cut trousers.

“Morning.” He closes the doors behind him. “You busy?”

I remove my hands from the paperwork and fold them behind my head, rocking slightly in the chair. “I was about to get some answers from Hong Kong about this distribution backlog. Have you seen the figures?”

“Not yet.”

“Too busy sorting out your wardrobe?” I can’t hold back on a smirk.

“Yeah. You know me. I like to look smart.” He tugs at his jacket creating an even sharper fit.

“For who? Your mystery woman?”

He gives me a sheepish grin. “It can’t do any harm.” He takes out his phone.

“Are you going to show me a photo of her? I promise not to make any disparaging remarks.” Quickly I unfold my arms and reach out for his phone.

“Piece of shit! The battery died.” He shakes his head. “Damn!”

I’m laughing. “I’m not buying it, Jay. In all the years I’ve known you, your phone has never once died.”

He moves closer to my desk. “No? Give me yours and I’ll see if there’s a photo on my email.”

I unlock my phone and push it along the polished surface. “Be my guest.”

He takes a seat on the sofa and begins pressing buttons. I get back to work, circling figures and making notes in the margin.

Someone’s head will roll for this.

He hands me back my phone. “No luck. I downloaded and deleted. They’re all on my phone.”

“Really? There’s a surprise. Tell me, Jay, is she disfigured?”

“No!” he answers with a frown.

I lean forward, pressing him further. “Does she have a great body but a face like a bulldog?”

“Hell, no!” The lines on his forehead deepen

“Then what’s the big deal? You usually can’t wait to show me the latest addition to your album.”

His face reforms; a self-satisfied smile is the central focus. “Because she’s not the latest addition.”

She an old flame?

“What is she then?”

“She’s the last, Ayd.”

Feigning shock I fall back into my chair. “Fuck me. We both got caught.”

“Not you. You got found, Ayd. And, I guess, I found her.” There’s not a flicker of doubt in his eyes.

“In that case. I’ll look forward to meeting her. When Beth comes home, we’ll double date, then we can both give her the once over.”

He sniggers and turns to leave. “Sure. Can’t wait.”

Did I miss something?

“So, what did you come in here for? Other than showing off your fancy jacket?”

Turning to face me once more he explains, “Just checking in. Making sure you’re okay after, you know, last night. I kinda sprung it on you…”

“You can say that again. I did wonder what you were playing at, until I realised the woman sitting on my lap was Beth.” I’m laughing at the memory. “You’re the best, Jay. Did I mention that?”

He massages his chin, pensively. “No. I don’t think you did.”

“Well, I am now. Go get her champ, win her over with the Harrison charm.”

He screws his mouth into a twisted smile. “Yeah, right. Later… You on for lunch?”

“Sure. Tell Charlotte where and when and I’ll be there.”

“See ya.”

He leaves without fuss and closes the doors behind him silently, so damn loved up, he doesn’t know what day it is. Back here in the real world, it’s almost eleven, time for coffee and talk of coffin bearers. He’s out there planning for tomorrow and a life spent with the love of his life, and I’m about to make sure mine’s taken care of in my absence.

Where’s the fucking justice in that?

My phone buzzes on my desk. “Send Steven in, Charlotte. Let’s get this over with.”

I BARELY HAVE A minute to catch my breath. Breakfast was served early at seven and cleared away before the coffee in my cup had time to cool. Knowing every minute counts, each member of the crew has a job to do—everyone except me.

With Operation Blue Moon underway, our floating home has become a battleship. Not having to take account of my delicate sensibilities has allowed the crew to do what they do best—prepare for the kind of an assignment they are trained for. I’m no longer the wife of their employer in need of round-the-clock care. I have joined the civilian ranks and become an observer—nothing more.

Luke is sitting on a rug checking weaponry hidden in storage compartments. All around him are heaps of equipment and ammunitions, gas masks, Copyright 2016 - 2024