Blue Moon #3 (Story of Us Series - Into the Blue) - Sydney Jamesson Page 0,2

eyes I saw only affection and a galaxy of oddly familiar colours. Only now do I realise just how timely that encounter was.

I’m starting to believe that everything happens for a reason.

It seems as if someone had been looking out for me; they had looked into the future and seen how valuable Sam Bellamy would be to me. I can guess who.

Turns out, the one person I need to call upon for help is Sam. She has the know-how, the contacts and likes to get to the bottom of things. Having read some of her feature articles, I’m convinced she is a perfect fit.

Her landline rings in her Camden home.

“Morning,” she yawns. “This had better be good. It’s eight thirty.”

“I’m hoping I haven’t woken you unnecessarily, Ms. Bellamy. This is Elizabeth Stone. Good morning. Do you remember me?”

“Vaguely. Where did we meet?”

She is either half asleep, or the memory of our meeting has been forgotten.

“Outside my husband’s offices: The Stone Building. Ring any bells?” I’m hoping it does.

It’s a slow recollection. “Ah … I do. Although I’m surprised to be hearing from you. After what I’ve been reading, I’d have thought you’d be holed up in a secret hideaway surrounded by solicitors, negotiating an obscenely large divorce settlement.”

Like everyone else, she has fallen for Ayden’s ruse. “Actually, I’m not. But that’s a story for another day.” I keep the tone light. “I wondered if you have anything planned for the next couple of days.”

She yawns out loud. “Not really, I have a piece to finish on landlord bullies in the city but that’s almost done. So, nothing that can’t wait. Why do you ask?”

“I want to offer you an exclusive.” I bait my hook.

“You do? This must be my lucky day.” She laughs quietly. “As flattered as I am, Mrs. Stone, I have to ask—why me?”

“Firstly, we’ve met before. Secondly, you’re pushy. You have a nose for news. And thirdly, I suspect we have a mutual friend.”

There’s the ring of surprise in her voice. “We do?”

“Yes. I haven’t been in his company for a while, but he certainly made a lasting impression on me. Even went on to point me in your direction.”

“Doesn’t sound like anyone I know,” she says, comically. “Then again, we rarely move in the same circles.”

“Well, that’s all about to change. Can you be packed and ready to be picked up at ten forty-five?”

I hear her fumbling for a clock or her watch. “That gives me two hours!”

“Correct. I can have you back in four days.”

“Okay. That’s doable.”


“I think so. Your tickets will be delivered to you shortly. All you need is your passport.” I sigh with relief.

“Passport?” she asks. “You’re not in the UK?”

“No. You’ll be flying out of the country.” I don’t want to mention where over the phone.

“Ah. As intrigued as I am, and willing to go along with it, this is all very irregular, Mrs. Stone,” she says, vocalizing her feelings.

I like that.

“Of course it is. But you’ll understand why when you arrive. I’ll have someone pick you up at the airport.”

“Thank you.” There’s the sound of movement.

After a thoughtful pause, I ask, “Do you want to ask me anything else?”

“Yes.” She clears her throat. “What’s the weather like?”

I smile at her humorous question. “Similar to home, a little warmer, but chilly at night.”

“Good. I can handle chilly.”

“I’m sure you can. I’m looking forward to welcoming you to my new home.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing it, Mrs. Stone. Please call me Sam.”

“Okay, Sam. You should receive your tickets within the hour. Just get yourself to Heathrow in time for the flight and leave the rest to me.”

“Will do. See you later, or should I say, Ser deg senere?”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s ‘see you later’ in Norwegian.”

“Are you Norwegian?” I ask, wrinkling up my nose curiously.

“No, but I assumed that’s where you are with your lover.”

My what?

“I don’t have a lover, Sam. I have a husband.” I declare briskly, wanting to set the record straight.

“An ex-husband, from what I’ve seen. And a handsome dinner date too,” she chuckles.

Damn you, Jake!

I cringe and feign surprise. “Ah. You mean Jake Harrison?”

“I do indeed, Mrs Stone.”

I huff at the suggestion. “He’s just a friend who took me to dinner.”

“In that case I have two additional questions.”

Here we go.

I check the time on the bedside clock. “And they are?”

“One: Does he have an older brother? Two: When can I meet him?”

I shake my head and laugh in response. “No, to the first question. Never, to the second.”


“Sorry about that.”

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