Blue Moon #3 (Story of Us Series - Into the Blue) - Sydney Jamesson Page 0,10

ask, unsure of his level of fitness.

He stretches out a leg and lunges. “Sure. I take P.E. at school. It’s compulsory,” he answers, the word compulsory leaving his mouth like a blast of cold air.

“You don’t like sports?

“Sure. But I’m not good at them…” he keeps his eyes on the floor.

“Last to get picked, eh?”

He turns to look up at me. “What would you know about that? You’re like a fucking athlete.”

“Oh. I’d know. I was fourteen once, you know.” I sit down on the bench press and explain. “I moved into a new area when I was twelve and let’s just say they didn’t roll out the red carpet for me.”

He twists his body like a human corkscrew. “How come? “

“I was full of myself and had a smart mouth, and on top of that, one almighty chip on my shoulder the size of Big Ben.”

He sniggers. “There’s a lot of guys at my school like that.”

“And how do you deal with them?”

He shakes his head, unsure of the question. “I don’t. I try to keep to myself and out of their way, when I can.”

“And when you can’t?”

He turns to face me squarely.

Only then do I see the fading bruise beneath his left eye and the grazed skin on his cheek. “You fought?”

“No. I forgot to duck.” Having warmed up he returns to his pile of clothes, sits and puts on his trainers. “I don’t pick fights, but somehow they pick me.” He keeps his head bowed.

“That’s why you’re here, so I can show you how to hold your own and stand your ground?”

He sneers, but says nothing.

I fold my arms across my chest. “Did I say something funny?”

“Not. But that is funny coming from you,” he says biting his cheek nervously.

“Why from me? What’s that supposed to mean?”

What am I missing here?

“From what I’ve seen you haven’t been standing your ground lately.”

“I haven’t? How so?”

He takes his phone out of his gym bag and scrolls through some photos. He outstretches his arm and holds it in front of my face.


I couldn’t be more shocked if he’d reached out and punched me in the balls. It’s the photo of me and Jake with the two brunettes. I look like I’m having a great time; my arms are outstretched around the back of the booth and the table looks like there has been some kind of party going on by the bottles and glasses that have been purposely arranged there.

“Ah,” is all I can think to say.

He tosses his phone back in his bag. “I don’t see a guy standing his ground, or standing by his wife, do you?”

“Is that why you came in here with a face like a slapped arse? Because you think I should be fighting for my marriage, is that it?”

He pulls up his socks and stands a matter of inches from me. “Something like that.”

This kid has some balls.

“And tell me. Do you want to learn how to avoid those punches or are you going to stand there sulking until Lester returns?”

He screws up his face into a pout. “I’m not sulking. It’s just that Beth’s your wife.”

“Yes, she is.”

“She’s a good person.”

“Yes, she is.”

“She’s beautiful.”

“Yes, she is.”

Out of breath, he asks. “Then… then if you’re agreeing with me, why the hell are you treating her like this?”

“Because everything you’ve just said is true,” I shout much too loudly.

He raises his voice to match mine. “I don’t get it. Is this what grown-ups do? Pretend to love each other?”

I take a step back to regain my composure. For the first time, I see my actions as others see them—and it isn’t a pretty picture. I haven’t got an answer on the tip of my tongue or even one that will shut him the hell up. The voice of reason is standing right here, a matter of feet in front of me.

What a fucking mess.

“Where’s Beth?” he demands, conveying more helplessness than disrespect.

“She’s spending time with some friends…”

“Has she left you—?”

“Look! She hasn’t left, okay? I invited you here so that you could learn some moves, remember? Not lecture me on what kind of husband I should be. You’re fourteen, for fuck’s sake!”

“Right, but I still think you’re a fucking idiot!”

“Stop!” I raise my finger in front of my face and point it in his direction. “You’re a guest in my house, so either shut the fuck up or leave. You have two choices.” I look around the gym, giving him time to consider his Copyright 2016 - 2024