The Blossom Sisters - By Fern Michaels Page 0,17

just wish there was something I could do for you to repay you. You have everything. What’s a guy like me supposed to do?”

“I’ll tell you what you’re supposed to do. You need to find away to make peace with those old ladies. I don’t care if you have to slither on your belly to make it happen, just do it. This whole thing is killing them, Gus. So work on that, and we’re square.”

The two old friends hugged, both their eyes burning. “See ya when I see ya,” Barney said, popping open his umbrella, which was as big as one of those monstrosities one sees at the beach. Gus watched from the kitchen as his best buddy in the whole world approached a large puddle. A very large puddle. He knew before Barney knew that he’d stomp in it. Once a kid, always a kid. He would have done the same thing.

Gus closed the door, poured a third cup of coffee, then sat down at the table to read Phil Ross’s report on his wife—soon-to-be ex-wife—Elaine Ramsey Hollister.

The only thing missing was Wilson. God, how he missed the big dog. He felt like crying. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He knew he had to be alert and in the right frame of mind to read what was written in Phil Ross’s report. Knowing it wasn’t going to be pretty, according to Barney, before getting started, Gus steeled himself for a very tough read.

Chapter 5

ELAINE RAMSEY HOLLISTER CURLED UP IN THE WINDOW SEAT under the bay window and watched the storm rage outside. She hated storms, but she knew she was safe from the elements. She leaned back and hugged her knees to her chest. Next to her was a notebook and pen. It was one of those black-and-white-marble-covered ones, the kind she’d used back in grade school. She’d found it at one of the dollar stores years ago when she first decided to keep a diary to chronicle her journey to becoming rich. She clearly remembered buying a dozen because they were two for a dollar, and she’d thought that was a real bargain. She was on her last notebook. If she’d written her words smaller, condensed them more, she probably would have several virgin books left, but her childish scrawl was big, and she had felt the need over the years to write everything down.

Elaine flinched when a limb snapped off one of the old sycamore trees. It hit the ground with a loud thump. She peered through the driving rain to see how big the branch was. It looked huge, meaning she’d have to call someone to come and take it away. If she tried to do it herself, she’d ruin her French manicure and possibly pull a muscle in her back. She shrugged. Worst-case scenario, her attorney would require Gus to pay for the removal. She moved on in her thoughts.

Elaine picked up the black-and-white notebook and flipped to the back. She only had four blank pages—eight actually, if you counted the fronts and backs. Not nearly enough pages to continue with the intriguing details of her life saga. She panicked then as she bolted upright and swung her legs off the window seat. Where in this day and age am I going to find these old-fashioned notebooks? They have to be the same as the rest of them. She really hated to admit how superstitious she was, but, despite her cool and calculating personality, she was easily spooked. And she was really spooked now.

Later, she would go on the hunt for the black-and-white notebooks. Maybe eBay or that Web site she’d found a year ago for a company called Initial B Enterprises would have them. She’d really lucked out that day, and she’d been a loyal customer ever since. She’d purchased the company’s voodoo kit, purchased an assortment of spells and black candles. She’d utilized their adult sex course, and she’d had more astrology readings than she could remember. She knew she was the company’s best customer because they constantly sent her freebies to make sure she came back to order, which she did.

And Gus never knew a thing about it. She kept all her secret doings in a huge suitcase in the attic, someplace Gus never ventured. He had balked, though, when she insisted he install a pull-down ladder, but when she’d kissed him, he capitulated the way he always did. It made it so much easier to be able to Copyright 2016 - 2024