A Bloody London Sunset - By Jaz Primo Page 0,132

were only occasional dim lights placed in the ceiling, giving the tunnel an eerie ambiance.

“Pick a direction,” he mumbled, finally turning right.

He walked for a short distance in hopes of finding another side corridor that might host another potential exit, but found the tunnel continuing in a slightly curved fashion. He heard the sound of a train in the distance, which grew progressively louder. Anxiously looking for a place to step off the track area, he quickened his pace forwards. He thought it was too far away to turn back and was relieved when he found a small alcove set in the wall that appeared big enough to squeeze his body into. Thankfully, the niche was more than adequate, though he was less than enthused by the feel of the moist, cold concrete at his back.

The oncoming roar of a train drew closer as he remained in the niche. A rumbling accompanied the noise until a train sped by his location with a roaring rush of air. He clamped his hands over his ears and tightly shut his eyes until the train passed. Stepping from the niche, he proceeded onwards. His mind wandered back to the fate of the Fullers, and he prayed they were okay. He struggled to focus on his present situation instead of allowing his growing anxiety to get the best of him.

Caleb soon arrived at a branch in the tunnel, and he was forced to choose between right and left. He took the left tunnel, walking at an increased pace. The tunnel was much quieter until he heard the roar of another train in the distance, which failed to grow louder and eventually faded away. Time passed, and he finally located a small side corridor leading away from the tunnel. It looked like the passageway that had brought him into the tunnels, but seemed older and less utilized. The brick wall appeared antiquated, and there was only a single light at the front of the corridor. He considered abandoning it for another further up the tunnel, but instead removed a keychain flashlight from his pocket and flipped it on.

Proceeding into the narrow passageway, he failed to hear any noises or voices. It’s probably a dead end up here, he mused. After a short walk, the corridor led into a small, open area that appeared completely abandoned. However, he noted a newer looking leather couch that one might find in an office waiting room or lobby. That’s strange, he thought.

He shined his small light around the approximately twenty-foot square room and spied a small niche. He walked to it, noting a deteriorated metal door set into the wall. The handle appeared antiquated, and an old deadbolt lock was set into its dingy metal facing. He tried the handle, but the door was secured in place.

“It figures,” he groused. “Probably just goes to the Land of Oz or Alice’s rabbit hole, anyway.”

He sighed and dejectedly headed back to the tunnel. When he arrived, he turned right and proceeded onwards. Not long afterwards, he heard another train in the distance, which grew progressively closer. He shrunk into another alcove formed by two large concrete pillars until his back pressed against the cold, damp cement wall. The rumbling of the approaching train reverberated through his body via the ground and wall behind him. The train sped by with a screeching and whooshing roar, a gust of air sweeping over his body as it passed. He shut his eyes tightly to the onslaught and waited a few seconds longer once the train had passed before opening his eyes again.

“Crap, that’s loud!” he cursed as the sensation of the train still seemed to vibrate through his body.

Gathering his wits, he proceeded down the tunnel towards what he hoped would be another boarding area where he could rejoin humanity. He proceeded into the barely lit darkness and concentrated on keeping his footing, pausing occasionally when he thought he heard a rustling sound around him. His nerves were on edge, feeling as if at any moment a vampire would rush out of the darkness at him. He hated the idea that he was essentially weaponless and felt vulnerable due to both his reduced visibility and increasing disorientation.

After a time, he heard another quickly approaching rumbling in the distance. He hastily sought another niche in the tunnel wall and pressed his body into the space.

The train roared past him like the previous ones, and he gritted his teeth while closing his eyes until it passed.

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