A Bloody London Sunset - By Jaz Primo Page 0,111

tourist expression as he tried to take in everything at once. They both turned to follow Jenkins across the beautiful lobby towards the nearby elevators. They entered the elevator together, and he regarded them with a respectful smile as he inserted a pass card and pressed the button for the fifteenth floor, the topmost in the hotel.

“Your room key is required for the car to go to the top two floors,” he informed them.

The elevator doors opened to reveal a regal hallway decorated much like the lobby with polished wood paneling at the lower portion of the plaster walls. There were stained oak tables with mirrors above them and flanking fabric-backed chairs at intervals along with curtained windows. Caleb cast a quick glance up to Katrina as she comfortably passed the first window, and he noted the window panes were all tinted with what he guessed must be a UV-dampening coating.

Their suite was at the end of the long hallway furthest from the elevators, and Jenkins commented, “There are only four suites on this floor, so I’m hopeful that you will enjoy a quiet, relaxing atmosphere.”

The manager gestured to Caleb for his room card, neatly swiped the lock and opened the large door leading into Suite 1504. He handed the card back to Caleb, encouraging them to enter ahead of him with a sweeping gesture of his arm.

The living room was as roomy as the one at Katrina’s estate. The furniture was a mix of oak and leather-covered chairs and a comfortable-looking couch. The rich carpet was thick-piled, complementing the décor with an air of regal comfort. The far wall was a series of large pane-glass windows coated with the same tinting as the hallway glass, each flanked by heavy drapes for privacy at night.

“Wow,” Caleb muttered with a degree of awe, to which Jenkins offered a sincere grin. A pang of embarrassment passed through him, and he silently admonished himself for acting like a little kid who’d never seen a hotel room before. Come on, act like you’ve been off the farm more than once in your life.

“I’m happy that you approve,” Jenkins offered congenially, but with a tentative glance at Katrina.

“Very nice, indeed,” she agreed with a simple nod.

The bedroom was spacious, and a lengthy dining room sporting an eight-seated varnished table held court at the back of the suite before another series of large windows. A small study next to the dining area hosted a stocked wet bar.

“I’ll leave you now, but please let me know if there’s anything at all I can do to accommodate your needs or make your stay more enjoyable,” Jenkins offered with a polite nod to both Katrina and Caleb. He quickly exited, pulling the door closed behind him.

Caleb walked over to the living room windows, staring in silent wonderment at the city beyond. Katrina walked up behind him, wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him warmly on the cheek.

“Very cool. I’m actually in London,” he murmured before turning his attention back to his mate. “This is simply unbelievable, Kat.”

She beamed, so very pleased he was happy. “And it’s just the beginning, my love.”

“Hey! I can see the London Eye from here,” he exclaimed as he stared out the large window.

She raised both eyebrows as she looked. She absently curled her arm around his waist as she glanced through the window, grateful the coated glass allowed her to appreciate the daytime view with him, even though the coating made the view appear somewhat duskier than the early daytime hour that it was.

The London Eye was indeed a sight. The large circular wheel was part of a Millennium landmark competition in the late 1990s. Its perimeter was surrounded by glass-encased viewing pods, which allowed for spectacular views of the city. Caleb grinned as he observed it in the distance and turned to glance up at Katrina with an inquisitive expression.

“Yes,” she replied with a smirk. “I’ll make sure that you get to go up in it, both at day and night.”

He chuckled and tilted his face upwards slightly towards her while elevating himself on his toes to kiss her lightly.

“You’re the best, Kat,” he complimented, to which she kissed him in return as she tightened her grip around his waist.

She relished their closeness at that moment and fully appreciated how easy it was to love him. He made her so happy, so content with her life. “Come on,” she offered while reluctantly releasing him. “Let’s call Alton. He’ll want to know we’ve

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