Bloodborn Prince - Laura Lascarso Page 0,90

withdrew his limp cock from his trousers while I took a flame to one of my throwing knives to heat it.

“What… what are you doing?” Maxwell asked with a terrified expression. He tried to squirm away, but he was trapped between Lucian’s feet.

“You may want to bite down.” Lucian offered Maxwell his own leather wallet, carefully placing it between his teeth, while you watched us in horror.

“Henri, don’t do this.” Your voice rose an octave in desperation. “It’s not his fault. He can’t help what’s happening to him.”

I hated that you had to witness this, but I needed results.

“I’m sorry, darling, but we don’t have time to wait for Seneser to show. Perhaps you should turn your head.” I then addressed Maxwell. “I’m afraid this is going to be an ungodly pain.”

I advanced slowly while presenting the tip of my hot knife. The man’s sweat, fear, and blood was a potent brew. I brought my blade to the crown of the man’s phallus, betting on the fact that if Maxwell didn’t cede control, Seneser would forcibly take over—Belial demons were real babies when it came to pain. I pressed the hot metal against the man’s flesh and watched the delicate skin part ways, causing a flush of blood to rise to the surface. The acrid smell of burnt skin filled the air.

“I’m here, Andronicus,” the man rasped. I was no longer staring into the eyes of a human but those of a very ancient demon.

“Hello, Seneser.” The joy I felt at finally catching this nemesis was immense. I sheathed my knife, relieved that I wouldn’t have to further mutilate Seneser’s human host. Without any instruction, you pressed the clean towel to the man’s wound and held it there, staunching the blood.

Seneser curled his head to the side of the pole as if stretching his neck, then swiveled it to take stock of all those present. “I should thank you for doing me the favor. Maxwell’s been on a cocaine binge for two days. I thought I might have to abandon this vessel altogether.”

“I’m glad we could provide you that service,” I said wryly, though I didn’t believe the demon would have presented himself willingly. I asked for our phone, intent on calling my Imperium contacts to come collect this sly devil.

“Might I suggest you question me before turning me over to our angelic overlords?” Seneser said. I shot him a skeptical look, not wanting to stray from my mission in the least.

“I doubt you have any information that’s of use to me.”

Seneser smiled, looking far too smug for a demon who was bound both physically and spiritually. “Maybe not to you, but certainly to your brothers.” He cast you a calculating look that made me want to carve his eyeballs from their sockets.

“Don’t look at him,” I barked at the demon.

“I know where Azrael is keeping your mother,” Seneser said to you, ignoring my command altogether.

“How could you know that?” Lucian asked. His skepticism mirrored my own. He crouched beside Seneser while you knelt on the other side. I didn’t care for your proximity. As if sensing my apprehension, Seneser shot me an arrogant smile.

“Who do you think delivered this pretty youngblood to that dapper-looking Malakhim in Miami?” he said. “I can assure you it wasn’t a stork.”

How could that possibly be true? I’d assumed it was an Imperium soldier who’d made the arrangement with Lena’s warden. Or Azrael himself, inhabiting a human form.

“That’s a lie,” I snarled.

“If it weren’t for me, he’d be rotting away with your mother,” Seneser said. “Or locked in a cage at an Imperium stronghold by your master.”

“Liar,” I shouted, my temper flaring.

You placed a calming hand on my forearm. “Henri, let me.”

I grumbled as you unbuttoned Maxwell’s shirt and placed your palm against his pectoral. “Vincent, is that really necessary?” There was no guarantee Seneser wasn’t harboring some other hidden capability or weapon.

“I don’t believe we’ve been introduced,” you said politely. “My name is Vincent.”

“I know you already.” Seneser said. “Everyone knows you. Our Parousia.”

He said the word with awe. And perhaps also, disbelief. Our kind had been hanging our hopes on a whispered rumor for so long that it was natural to be wary. You appeared unfazed by the mention of the prophecy, but Lucian cast me a surreptitious look.

“Where is my mother, Seneser?” you said longingly. “I’d really like to know.”

Your voice was like honey dripping off the comb, and even Lucian seemed lulled into complacency by your abilities. I came closer Copyright 2016 - 2024