Bloodborn Prince - Laura Lascarso Page 0,88


“We’ll be there in ten minutes. Don’t let him leave.”

“Yes, sir,” Lucian said, his tone just shy of earnest.

Within minutes we were in the car and on our way to the fringes of the city where the exotic nightclub was located. I already knew the entrance and egress points—a small grace—and parked in the same back alley. I instructed you to enter in through the front door.

“If you run across Seneser’s host, try to detain him,” I said. “We want to take him alive, but if he attempts any violence towards you, eliminate him.”

You nodded, eyes wide. I kissed your forehead and told you not to worry. Even still, this was your first crack at demon-hunting, and the stakes were high. I hated having to leave you for even a moment, not knowing what trickery Lucian might have in mind. I reminded you to treat Lucian with the same caution you would a venomous snake. “We still don’t know his motives.”

“I’ll be fine,” you insisted. “Be safe.”

I circled around the back of the club where I spotted an individual servicing another from on their knees. In the City of Sin, the hour was ripe for such carnal pleasures. I knocked at the back entrance and seduced the doorman into letting me inside, then wove my way through the labyrinth of hallways until I’d located the men’s bathroom. I persuaded the occupants to vacate, then shut myself behind one of two stall doors so that I had a clear view of the urinals through the gap in the frame. Alone for the moment, I spoke into the microphone affixed to the collar of my shirt. “I’m in position,” I said for Lucian’s benefit. “Where’s our target?”

“Getting handsy with a dancer in a private room. I predict he’ll be thrown out any minute.”

“Direct him to the bathroom. Use whatever seduction you must.”

“Give me a little bit of credit,” was Lucian’s snappy reply.

“I’m at the front door,” you said. “Wow, these women are really… naked.”

You trailed off and I smirked, recalling your befuddlement whenever the waitresses at the Hash Hut flirted with you.

“You want a private dance, Vincent?” Lucian teased.

“No. Well… maybe?” You chuckled.

I could just imagine the circus on the floor, a feast for the eyes. You’d told me once that women’s breasts reminded you of blood bags. Perhaps we could arrange something with a willing donor later.

“All right Henri, here he comes,” Lucian said. I retrieved my pugio from the leather belt which harnessed it and held it at the ready. “Three… two… one.”

The door to the bathroom flew open and a man who looked severely inebriated stumbled inside, grasping at one of the urinals to steady himself. He fumbled with his pants and seemed to have great difficulty in locating his penis. His energy didn’t feel demonic—mostly chaotic—but it could be because the human was fronting. His back was to me, and though I was willing to take the chance, I’d prefer a visual confirmation that this man was, in fact, Seneser’s host.

“Did you get him?” Lucian asked impatiently. I grumbled a response, as though I was only suffering some indigestion. The man swiveled at the hip to glance behind him, making a mess of the urinal. His eyes were rimmed a feverish red, and his nose was running. I couldn’t determine conclusively if this was the same man—so compromised was his countenance—but he resembled Maxwell enough for me to make a move.

I leapt out of the stall and sliced the man on his outer thigh, shallow enough that it wouldn’t cause him excessive blood loss or impede his mobility too greatly. I’d once cut too deeply and had to carry my target to my drop-off point. It was taxing to say the least.

“What the fuck?” the man screeched, gripping his thigh in one hand and attempting to shove me away with the other. “What the hell’s wrong with you, you fucking psycho?”

Definitely a man and not a demon speaking. My dagger usually compelled the demon to take control of the vessel, but perhaps the man’s level of intoxication was preventing it. Regardless, we had to move.

“You’re coming with me,” I coaxed while yanking up his pants roughly. The man’s eyes took on a drowsy look.

“I’m coming with you,” he repeated.

I led him, still gripping his arm, out of the bathroom and into the nearest private room. Everything in it was a deep scarlet hue—the walls, the chaise, even the flooring. Judging from the decor, it was used to entertain Copyright 2016 - 2024