Bloodborn Prince - Laura Lascarso Page 0,76

can love a mortal,” Lucian said somewhat dismissively, igniting that bitter flame of resentment I tended for the human you’d once been.

“How did Orlando die?” Your questions aimed to kill, as though you’d been ruminating on them for a while. Even Lucian seemed surprised at your directness.

“You should ask Andronicus,” he said, and I appreciated his feeble attempt at loyalty.

“I’ve asked him, but he won’t tell me.” Your voice sounded so sad and despondent. Your big, black eyes begged to be comforted. Even knowing what was happening, all I wanted was to hold you. “Please, Lucian, I need to know. Tell me what happened to Orlando.”

“Mother made him an offer,” Lucian said simply. “Orlando traded his soul for Andronicus’s bloodborn body. And rather than let her take Orlando as her own, Andronicus sacrificed him to Azrael.”

You inhaled sharply and shot me a terrified look. Perhaps you were expecting some attempt at denial. I only sighed heavily. It was like watching glass shatter in slow motion.

“What do you mean, sacrificed?” Your character was slipping, your alarm apparent. Lucian tilted his head, confused.

“Andronicus killed him, so that Mother wouldn’t claim his eternal soul. We had so many plans for that pretty dancer. He was to be my very own fate demon. I would wind him up just to watch him dance. The fun we could have had.” Lucian sighed in disappointment. My stomach turned and my temper flared at what his idea of “fun” might have entailed.

You sat back and released Lucian’s hand with disgust. He startled as though waking from a dream, then glanced between the two of us. A distraught look transformed his normally placid features. He was seldom not in control.

“Did you seduce me?” he demanded with umbrage. Ah, there was the brother I knew.

“There’s more, Vincent, if you’d care to hear it.” I laid my hand on the table as an offering. Your hesitation broke my heart. Surely, you thought me despicable.

You cautiously took my hand, and I stared at you intently. My gods, how I loved you. I hadn’t deserved you in your last life, and I certainly didn’t in this one either. But I realized something regarding your power. When I didn’t try to fight it, I was completely aware of your seduction. I simply opened my heart and the truth spilled out. I sang like a bird who’d been stripped of its song for too long.

“In your last life, your name was Orlando Bell. We met on a playground when you were six years old. I was a reaper in the service of Azrael, and your friendship brought me so much joy. You grew into a beautiful dancer, and I loved you dearly. But Lena interfered with our bond. I sacrificed your body to Azrael and asked that our souls be reunited. Upset that I’d made this arrangement without her blessing, Lena demanded your body be rebirthed from her womb. She called upon your soul, and you answered. I kept this from you, Vincent, because I didn’t want you to think me a monster. And because I was afraid you would desert me if you knew the truth.”

“Stop.” You snatched your hand away, overwhelmed by my confession. I took a deep breath. Unearthing this truth might destroy us, but the relief I felt in expelling it after all those years was palpable. I wanted to reach for you, but you glared at me like I was your enemy.

“Is this true?” You looked at Lucian for confirmation. He nodded without speaking. Even he seemed at a loss for words.

Your chest convulsed as you tried to steady your breathing. I could hear your heart hammering from across the table

“Breathe, Vincent,” I said.

“Shut up,” you rasped with fury. You swallowed with some effort, and I pushed a glass of water toward you. You’d drank water in your past life as a way to settle yourself, and you did so in this one too. A million habits, gestures, and thoughtful sentiments woven together in one beautiful soul. Would you want to know those details, or would it only make you resent me more?

“You lied to me.” Angry tears sprouted in your eyes. “My whole life is a lie.”

“No,” I said. “You’re right that I lied to you, but your life is not a lie. The love your parents and I have for you is very real. You are the only thing in this world that truly matters to me.”

“If that’s true, then how could you do this to me?” Copyright 2016 - 2024