Bloodborn Prince - Laura Lascarso Page 0,44

cheek that bunched when you flexed. I turned away before you could catch me perving on you. By the time the cake was in the oven, you still hadn’t come out, so I passed through your bedroom and leaned my ear against the door to listen. The water wasn’t running, so I figured you must be shaving. I knocked lightly.

“It’s open.”

I nudged the door all the way open to find you shirtless, wearing only your sweats. Thanks to the mirror, I could admire the sculpted contours of both your back and chest at the same time. And your ass—so very fine. My fingers itched to touch you all over. Maybe even nibble on you a bit, especially those two perky nipples…

Your eyes caught mine, watching me watch you. I set the box of hair dye on the edge of the counter.

“What’s this?” you asked.

“The new me.”

You looked thoughtfully at the box, then nodded as if understanding my need for a transformation, however small.

“I can help,” you said.

I climbed onto the counter to wait while you finished. I’d done this countless times before, swinging my legs and chatting you up while you shaved. Sometimes, you’d let me trim the ends of your beard for you. I leaned back against the glass mirror and appreciated the way your biceps bunched on your downward strokes and the ripple of your shoulders when you cleaned your razor. With your throat clean-shaven, the strong tendons of your neck were even more visible. Mouthwatering.

“Looks good,” I said, trying to keep the yearning out of my voice.

Your eyes skirted mine. “Thank you, Vincent.”

I turned my attention away from your throbbing veins to your powerful shoulders and trim torso. “How much do you bench?”

You smiled. “I don’t know. It’s been a while since I last tried.”

You were broader and denser than Carter. Muscles within muscles. The finely-honed physique of a man. Impulsively, I grabbed one of your biceps and squeezed. You flexed your arm, and my chubby cock went rigid. Your eyes drifted to my pants. The polyester hid nothing, but what could I do about it? Blame my biology.

“I think I’m finished here.” You wiped the remaining shaving cream from your face with a damp towel, then picked up the box and read the directions to yourself, giving me a minute to recover. I’d helped Val dye her hair enough times that I already knew the drill. I tried to covertly adjust myself, but my dick just wouldn’t stand down. What would you do if I yanked it out and just started beating it? Stripe that amazing chest of yours with my hot spunk?

I resisted the impulse. I didn’t want to give you any excuse to ditch me again.

“You might want to—” You began but you didn’t need to finish. I’d already removed my shirt. You nodded and avoided looking at me. It just meant that I could stare at you more. You cleared your throat, which was one of your tells. “I think we should use the sink.”

The water was already warm from your shaving. I hopped off the counter and bent over it while you guided my head under the faucet. Our positioning only heightened my arousal. I willed your body to brush up against mine, but you were too careful. Your fingers stroked my hair from the base of my neck to the crown of my head. Your hands were so powerful and confident. Even in this simple task, you executed it with purpose.

“Feels good,” I said and bit back a moan. It felt amazing and so… familiar.

“I’m glad,” you said stiffly.

The next part was messy and required you to wear the cheap plastic gloves to apply the bleach. It smelled god-awful, but there was a bag to cover my head while the peroxide did its job. You wiped away the excess from my face with a warm washrag, careful to avoid eye contact.

“You can look at me,” I said. “I promised you already I won’t do that to you again.”

“I know.” You swallowed thickly. Your throat jogged, and I clenched my jaw, noticing that you’d nicked your neck while shaving. A single bead of blood clung to the cut like a red thorn. I licked my lips, shut my eyes, and breathed through my mouth. My nerves throbbed with hunger.

“You cut yourself,” I said. You glanced in the mirror, then dabbed at it with a bit of toilet paper.

“Should I cover it?”

I shook my head fiercely.

“Breathe, Vincent.”

I nodded and focused again on your Copyright 2016 - 2024