Bloodborn Prince - Laura Lascarso Page 0,105

fine. Your cat followed behind, acting completely innocent, though it was probably her presence that instigated the attack.

“It’s so cute.” You stared down at the mess of blood and fur. “Wolverines are endangered, you know. Very solitary and territorial creatures. Like you, Henri.”

Lucian snickered, and I contemplated this swift turn of events, vexed by your concern over an animal that had only moments ago drawn blood.

The corridor opened significantly, and we entered into a much larger atrium where a thin coil of water pooled before snaking its way into the shadows. You laid the animal gently on the ground and used some of the water to clean its wound, positioning your light on a nearby rock to have a better look.

“Should I lick it?” you asked Lucian.

“Couldn’t hurt.” He knelt next to you and assessed the animal’s vitals.

“Watch those teeth,” I said. “And its claws.”

I gave your ropes slack, so that you could move about a bit more freely or dart away if need be. After scouting the area to make sure we were alone, I took up sentry at the mouth of the cave.

You gave the animal a few licks while I wondered what game Lucian was playing. I’d never known him to practice medicine out of the kindness of his heart, and most of his patients were better off before his attentions.

“I could stitch that up easily,” Lucian said with confidence.

“And I could feed it a bit of my blood. It worked on Spooky.”

“May as well give it a try,” Lucian agreed.

“You should save your blood,” I said. I’d not have you weaken yourself for the sake of an animal, endangered or not.

“It’s fine, Henri,” you said, dismissing me again. You bit into your palm, then squeezed your fist and dropped blood into the animal’s panting mouth.

Meanwhile, Lucian was readying a needle and thread from his medical kit. The beast started to stir, so you hugged it against you, mindful to avoid its sharper bits, while Lucian sewed the gash in its neck, and Seneser provided an additional light source.

A few minutes later, the deed was done, and the animal, perhaps not surprisingly, seemed to have warmed up to you immensely.

“There,” you said happily. “We’re friends now. This is Spooky.” The cat interrupted her cleaning ritual to brush casually against you. “I wish I could take you home,” you said to the animal, now as calm and docile in your arms as a house pet.

“One-cat limit,” I reminded you.

“But this isn’t a cat,” you said and stroked the animal a few more times. I cleared my throat to signal that we needed to keep moving. “Well, you’d better be going back to your den now.”

You set the animal on its feet, and it padded off to the tunnel from where we came. Then you knelt by the pool of water to wash your hands.

“The water’s so warm,” you remarked.

“Hot springs,” Seneser said. “Caused by radioactive decay.”

“Lest we forget…” Lucian grabbed your chin and, looking at me, proceeded to lick the claw marks on your cheek.

“We should eat something,” I grumbled. I was feeling lightheaded being in these confined quarters, and my adrenaline had spiked significantly during your altercation with the animal. I passed around a few blood bags and a nutritional bar for Seneser. You were asking Lucian a little more about his medical training and Lucian, for once, answered honestly.

“He has a knack for turning his enemies into friends,” Seneser said. I supposed he’d caught me staring at the two of you.

“One of his most charming and aggravating traits.”

“He seems to have tamed you pretty well.”

I scrutinized him for mal intent. “I was never his enemy, but I can assure you I am far from tame.”

I didn’t trust the demon any more now than I had before, and as far as I was concerned, it was his fault we were currently in this predicament. If only he’d kept his secrets to himself, we’d not be on this doomed expedition.

“I was simply observing the difference in your temperament since we last interacted,” he said.

On the Shade Vale battlefield, where I had to either kill or be killed. It was hardly a just comparison to now. And I’d be damned if I was going to reminisce on that time with Seneser.

“How far are we from Lena’s location?” I asked.

“Not too far. We should reach it in the next couple of hours, which is good because your enchantment will be wearing off soon.”

“And then what?” I asked.

“Then, I’ll have to Copyright 2016 - 2024