Blood Truth (Black Dagger Legacy #4) - J.R. Ward Page 0,75

his eyes, she was aware that she was saying yes to a question he had not yet voiced.

The silence between them became charged with sexual tension, and Helania knew he was waiting for some signal from her. She was also aware of a reckless buzzing in her head, a surging energy that was as vivid as it was foreign to her. This was all moving very fast. Boone had been a stranger that she didn’t dare trust just a night ago. And now she had invited him here to her apartment, where they were all alone.

For the day.

Unless he left in the next five minutes.

“Daylight is coming,” she said in a husky voice.


“You’re welcome to stay.”

Boone closed his eyes and exhaled. “Thank God. Thank . . . you. I can’t be trapped in that house today. I just can’t fucking do it.”

“Which house?”

“My own.” He shook his head. “I don’t want to think about any of it right now.”

Helania approached him slowly, conscious of every movement of her body, from her feet hitting the floor, to her hips shifting, to her shoulders finding the balance of her deliberate steps. When she was in front of him, she looked up into his eyes and put her palms on his pecs.

“Then let’s not talk.”

As the words came out, she had no idea who she was. This was not how she normally acted. Or spoke. Or thought. And yet with Boone, everything felt natural.

“Kiss me,” she said.

Boone closed his eyes reverently, as if he were acknowledging that a prayer of his had been answered. And then he was pulling her into him, his big body fitting perfectly against her much smaller one in spite of the difference in their heights. Tilting her head, she parted her lips, and not just because she was ready for his mouth. Her chest was tight with excitement and need, her heart beating fast, her breath short.

His hands came up the sides of her throat, and then he cradled her jawline with his thumbs. As he dropped down, he eased his head to the side . . . and then he was doing what she’d asked. He was kissing her, soft and slow, the warm, velvet pressure rocketing through her veins and thickening her blood with a sexual drive that was a revelation.

This, she thought, was how it was supposed to feel. Electric and desperate, but nothing that you wanted over anytime too soon.

Arching into his chest, she reached up, way up, and linked her hands at his nape, her fingertips playing in the smooth silk of his hair as their tongues met. When her breasts brushed against his chest, he groaned and tightened his hold on her waist, his delicious scent flaring, those dark spices magnifying the heat they generated together.

Too many clothes. There were way too many barriers between their skin.

Between her core and his arousal—

When he abruptly broke off the contact of their mouths, she was surprised and wondered if she’d done something wrong. But as he tucked back her hair, his smile told her that she was more than okay for him.

“I didn’t come here only for this,” he said gravely. “I need you to know that.”

“I know you didn’t.” But for godsakes, do not stop. “Or I wouldn’t have let you through my door. But I appreciate you telling me that.”

“I just needed to see you.”

Helania stroked his face, feeling his smooth cheeks. She had some thought that he must have shaved again before he came over.

“It seems like I left you nights and nights ago,” she whispered. “But it was only hours.”

“I feel the same way.”

So they were both drunk on each other, she thought. Good to know she wasn’t alone in the crazy.

* * *

Inside Boone’s body, a roar of lust was threatening to override all of his higher reasoning. His arousal was pounding in his pants, his blood rushing through his veins, his hunger for Helania like a knife in his gut.

Putting his hand on her lower back, he rolled his hips into her and brought his lips down to hers again. As his tongue entered her mouth, he tightened his hold on the nape of her neck and kissed her deeper, penetrating her and retreating, penetrating her . . . and retreating. She must have liked the slick, hot rhythm as much as he did because she was suddenly holding on to him, her weight hanging off his body.

“Where can I lay you down?” he said roughly.

“Come. This way.”

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