Blood Trial Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #1) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,90

trust it. I’d seen those deep-sea fish with the dangling light—angler fish. Their teeth were fucking sharp.

The warmth Jet Black exuded was a trap.

“I’m taking you for a driving lesson,” he said, blue eyes twinkling.

I folded my arms over my seat belt. “That’s Laurel’s job.”

“Not anymore.”

I didn’t get paid enough to deal with these alpha fuckers on the weekends. “Will she still get compensated?”

“No. She isn’t doing the work.”

I clicked the button to release my belt and opened the door. “Then I’m not going.”

He grabbed a loop of my white jean shorts and tugged me back into the seat. “Fine. She’ll get paid.”

I arched a brow. He’d agreed too easily. He was always going to pay her. “Double.”

Jet Black laughed. He wore hugging khakis and a tight tee. His shoulder-length black hair was confined at the nape of his neck. “I’m feeling generous today. Sure, why not.”

Her wage probably just went from twenty-five dollars to fifty.

“Why am I in the driver seat?” he asked. “I know how to drive. Let’s switch.”


“Laurel was taking me to Gerry’s.”

“The fuck is Gerry?”

Rich people ignorance. “A hardware store…”

His high brow cleared.

Kyros’s brother had his mother’s skin tone. If any of the Vissimo I’d met were to fit the physical idealism of a vampire, it was Jet Black. Personality not so much—if he was really this playful.

We switched places, and I set myself up behind the wheel, pulling in the seat. I’d learned where that lever was on Thursday.

He waited until I was settled. “It’s nice to meet you, Basilia. My name’s Gerome.”

Not Lionel then. “Just Basi.”

“But the police called you Basilia, correct?”

I thumped the wheel. “Does Kyros tell you guys everything or do you hack the cameras?”

“Maybe we hack security. Maybe we have spies in his tower. Or maybe he tells us everything, and we do the same in return.”

Was I meant to pick an answer? “I can’t imagine why he would tell you guys, what with the stunts you pull. Why are you really teaching me to drive?”

His blue eyes glinted, mouth quirking on one side. “Why not? I could be feeling charitable. It will be a good chance to know you better.”

I snorted. “Sure.”

“Kyros is the eldest, and he works too hard. We like to fuck with him.”

That sounded more like it.

Gerome whipped out his phone. “Picture!”

The flash went off, and I blinked. People still used flash?

I leaned over to look at the picture. “Take another one.”

“It’s just going to Kyros,” he murmured, thumbs moving rapidly as he typed out a message.

It was a bad picture. Surprising both of us, I snatched the phone. “Let me take it.”

“Give my phone back, human.”

“Shh, it will screw with him more if I take the picture, Vissimo.” And I knew my best angle.

“True. Take it.”

I held the phone up on selfie mode and pulled a duck face. Gerome glanced at me and did the same.

Okay, I looked hot now. Which shouldn’t matter because Kyros was on the receiving end. I shook my head.

Should’ve let Gerome send the double-chin picture.

“Alright,” the vampire said, plucking the phone from my hand. “Start driving.”

Twisting the key, I started the engine. In the white car, I’d barely been able to hear the motor. This one, not so much—but it was no roaring public bus.

I waited as Gerome finished his message to Kyros.

“He’ll come down here as soon as you send that,” I said, wondering if I could pull out onto the street in time to avoid him. Surely Kyros wouldn’t run at vampire speed down through Grey.

“Nope. It’s our weekend off for the month. We go to our parents’ place.”

“You should join them.”

He slid an amused look my way. “Trying to get rid of me?”

“Yes,” I said honestly. “I really want to learn to drive, and I have a feeling you’re not going to take this seriously. Exhibit A: Letting me drive in Grey.”

He slid the phone away. “Why so eager? Driving isn’t that fun.”

I gripped the wheel. “It’s not about fun. It’s about knowing how to do it like everyone else.”

“What’s the point of knowledge if you can’t have fun too?” he countered. “Plus, you’ve already driven in Grey according to my big bro, and my motto is sink or swim.”

“Why is that your motto?”

“Biggest risk, greatest reward, most fun.” He widened his eyes dramatically. “Drive! The speed limit here is 60 kilometres. Slow down at orange lights. Stop at the red. Indicator is on the right side of the wheel—usually.”

Yeah, I already knew the indicators changed sides. “Fine, Copyright 2016 - 2024