Blood Trial Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #1) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,9


This was getting stranger by the second. The other two admins had now stopped what they were doing to watch us.

I’d had my fill of unusual shit today. “I’ll leave it with you,” I said, the curve of my lips brittle. “My email is on there if you wish to get in touch with any questions.”

The woman slowly lifted her head.

She shot a glance at the other two and turned back. “Actually, Basi. Your résumé looks perfect for what we’re looking for. Could you interview on the spot?”

They wanted me to interview? Now?

“You realise I have no job experience, right?” Stupid thing to say when I wanted a job, but the oddness of her behaviour raised the hairs on my arms. Something about the keenness of her eyes made me want to sprint for the lift. My heart pounded from close proximity to her which couldn’t be possible. Could it?

Had she guessed who I was? Surely not. She probably just thought I was rich and had connections—the reason for forgoing my last name in the first place.

I hesitated.

Where was Rhys? A quick glance told me he was long gone.


“Selling a house is much less about job experience than people experience. The right kind of people experience. Your social and extra-curricular portfolios are impressive.”

I’d made sure to only include those I’d participated in during high school. Normal people didn’t help to organise charities and high teas for the wealthiest families in the Southern Hemisphere—even if I refused to attend them.

Her comment went some way in alleviating my concerns that she was just after my network. Maybe I’d read her wrong.

I really needed this.

“Thank you,” I said demurely. “An interview would be great.”

She peered at my pack again. “Are you free now? It would save you a trip back from Orange.”

Her eyes were so hard to look away from. Such a bright blue. Enthralling. Looking at them nearly drove lucid thought from my mind. I didn’t like the vibes she was putting out, but the woman was offering me the first scrap of hope I’d had all day.

“That would be great,” I lied, tearing my gaze away to fix on the diamond necklace at her throat.

I darted a look up again.

Her lips curled, revealing a row of straight, perfectly white teeth. “Perfect.”


I stumbled out of Kyros Sky, fingers pressed to my temple. The main receptionist—apparently in charge of hiring and firing as well—hadn’t asked anything other than what I assumed were normal interview questions, but I felt wrung out, my brain full of clouds.

Hold on.

Where did the sun go?

I entered Live Right Realty just after midday. Didn’t I? Now, it had to be at least 6:00 p.m. Thinking back over the interview questions, I couldn’t recall the process lasting very long.

Maybe I spent more time in the Montgomery’s toilet than I realised.

“You’re losing it,” I muttered. The craziness of today was hitting all at once. Hopefully it hadn’t shown in the interview—though my gut twisted at the thought of actually working with the beautiful women upstairs too. They were just so… intense.

I circled my fingers on my temple, lifting my other hand to mirror the soothing gesture on the other side. I groaned at the small pleasure. If I was back at the estate, I’d be on the phone to my massage therapist, stat.

Wheels screeched.

The breath choked in my throat, and I whirled as a car hurtled straight for me.

This can’t be how it fucking ends.

The sleek black car screeched to a halt an inch from my kneecaps, and my heart hammered as my mind stuttered over my imminent death and miraculous survival of the last few seconds.

The driver door opened, and only then did I process that I’d somehow walked into flowing traffic. What the hell was wrong with me? I almost died.

I almost died.

Pure adrenaline coursed through my veins and I slammed both hands on the bonnet of the car that was far more reminiscent of the place I’d run away from than my current situation.

“You almost ran me over, you compensating-for-something jerk!” I turned to look at the driver.

And stopped.

Hormones and ovaries.

He’d left the door wide open, ignoring the honks from the line of cars extending behind. Though summer reigned, the towering man wore a knee-length business coat. Beneath it, I glimpsed a three-piece suit and a slim black tie.

If Rhys could have slid into a suit with ease, this man could slide out of one even easier.

Swallowing hard, I pulled my hands off his bonnet.

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