Blood Trial Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #1) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,80

the human didn’t. And not when it was Kyros. He wasn’t getting any more involved in my personal life.

“He was her landlord. The one who chucked her out and stole her stuff,” Tommy ignored me to say.

Crap. Kyros wasn’t home right now. His eyes were fixed on the bruises.

The silence extended.

Aiming for subtlety, I reached for the bottom of his charcoal waistcoat and tugged.

He lifted his head. “I’ll deal with it.”

Uh. “Not necessary. I’ve handled... it.”

“She hasn’t,” Tommy piped up, sidling around Kyros. It didn’t take a genius to see why. Her eyes were going full tilt between me and the vampire. A smile curved her lips.

“No,” I told her. “Absolutely not. One level.”

“But is the one level the penthouse?” she asked, her smile widening to a grin. “Because, if so, that’s the only level a gal would ever need.”

Heat crept into my cheeks. No, I wasn’t a blusher.

Kyros eyed my face and murmured, “Am I missing something?”

“Yep,” Tommy replied. “Probably not for long though.”

“Alright, time for Tom to go elsewhere.” I shooed her out of the room.

“He’s ducking dot,” she mouthed. At least that’s how I chose to interpret it.

Aloud, she said, “Wait, I have a couple of things to say to you.”

Dang. “Go on then,” I huffed.

“First, if you ever try this shit again, I’ll kill you so no one else can.”

I choked on my husky laughter. “You are such a psycho.”

“Love is a dangerous thing,” she replied, widening her eyes to highlight her craziness. “I might get confused if you test me. Second, you owe me a date. Tonight. It’s Fri-yay. We’re hitting the clubs to consume adult beverages.”

I wanted to go.

So badly.

Without consulting Kyros, I couldn’t say yes. Backing out on plans with Tommy so soon after disappointing her wasn’t an option. “I…”

“You already had plans to go out with Laurel, didn’t you?” Kyros interjected smoothly. “If you’re worried she won’t like more company, I assure you she’s one of my most sociable employees.”

“Oh.” Tommy’s face fell at the news we’d have company, then she perked up. “It will be nice to meet one of your workmates.”

No, it wouldn’t. Who the fuck was Laurel?

“If you think Laurel would be okay with that,” I mumbled over my shoulder to Kyros.

“I’ve known her a long time. I’m sure.” His eyes glinted.

Fucker. He was going to order one of his minions to like my friend.

“I’ll meet you here at 9:00 p.m.,” Tommy said, winking at me. “The strawberry mojitos are calling our name, girl.”

“Text when you arrive.” I’d meet her downstairs. “Beast will endeavour to pass the text on.” And Kyros.

She rolled her eyes. “I hope the commission you made from selling a house is enough to get an actual phone.”

“I don’t. I set a new high score on Snake this morning.”

“Trust you to get involved with a shitty game like that.”

“Shitty game alright,” I agreed in a dark voice. Just not the game she thought.

Tommy propped up on her toes to kiss my cheek. “Catch you later, lovely.”

I wrapped my arms around her again and stole as much of her Tommy-ness as possible. “Miss you already.”

She patted my arm, searching my gaze again, a wrinkle between her brows. Then she looked past me once more, bobbing down to mouth, “Seriously ducking dot.”


Waiting until I heard the ding of the elevator taking Tommy away, I closed the door and turned to Kyros. “Thank you.”

I met his direct gaze briefly and tried to sidle past him.

He whipped out an arm, barring the way, his forearm resting against my stomach. “Why didn’t you tell me about that human? Clint.”

“You heard me telling Tommy before you interrupted our conversation.” The glimmer in his eyes confirmed his ears were that sensitive. “Is that why you rushed down here?”

“I came down because she wasn’t swallowing a word you said. Now, she thinks you’re in the middle of a sordid affair with your boss and reaping the benefits.”

It occurred to me to be angry over that. I ruined my outrage by snorting. “Just so you know, I wouldn’t sleep with my boss to get benefits.”

“You were going to lunch with that boy, Rhys, for a free lunch.”

What the hell? “How did you know that?”

“I’m one hundred and forty-nine, Miss Tetley.”

I rubbed at my cheek. “I was planning to do that. Touché.”

He didn’t budge, waiting.

I sighed. “I didn’t tell you about Clint because it’s none of your business.”

“Do you live in my tower?”

“Who even says that?”

“People with towers.”

Fell into that one. I humoured the egotistical maniac. Copyright 2016 - 2024