Blood Trial Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #1) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,46

replicate the taste in a hurry.

A growl ripped from Kyros’s chest, and I tensed, swallowing obediently until he yanked his wrist free.

He licked his wound, and I watched it seal from beneath hooded eyes.

Were we done—?

Fire filled me in a wall of red.

The suddenness drew a gasp from my lips.

Oh my god.

I squirmed on his bulging lap, my shocked gaze flying to his. I clutched his shirt in both hands, moaning slightly.

“This is the after part?” I keened, everything from the waist down clenching.

He ran his hands up my thighs, thumbs close to the apex of my thighs. “Powerful. Exquisite.”

I crept my fingers up his neck and lifted high on my knees to bring our faces level.

“We didn’t want this before,” Kyros reminded me, voice still dreamy.

“Mmm,” I answered, lowering my mouth.

A door crashed open and a male spoke. “Sir.”

Kyros’s hips were grinding into my core from below. When had that started? He didn’t stop in response to the voice, but a terrible snarl filled his chest, spilling over. I didn’t care. I began to rock on his lap, desperately seeking my own release.

“Sir, the dice are about to roll.” A woman interrupted this time.

Kyros’s eyes flashed, and he squeezed his eyes shut. “When?”

“One minute, sir.”

He swore long and hard.

Not as hard as some things.

“Do you need assistance separating from her?” the woman asked.

A bead of sweat trekked down the side of his face.

Clasping my waist, the vampire bodily lifted me, striding to the door. Him. I needed him now. I’d always need him. The world could fall to ruin around us and none of it would matter if he was inside me.

My hands finally found what they were looking for.

Kyros moaned as my fingers brushed the front of his suit pants. His mouth crushed down against mine.

“Thirty seconds, sir.”

“Fuck!” he seethed.

I was passed to another.

Whimpering, I reached for Kyros as Angelica took me in her arms.

“Confine her,” he said, muscles straining with some inner battle. “Post a guard at her door. Female. The human isn’t to leave the tower.”

And then the vampire was gone.


Vampires existed. It was my first thought upon waking in a room with no windows. How the fuck did I fall asleep after that?

Did the monsters even call themselves vampires? The term felt inadequate to describe the terror Kyros could induce—like calling a panther a kitten or something. Pop culture had ruined the term.

I rolled onto my back, lost in what I’d gotten myself into. My mind and body didn’t know what to feel first. I’d felt soul-numbing disbelief when my parents were ripped from me and the two building blocks intended to guide me through life were crushed.

I’d felt bone-shaking shock when Clint hurt me for a quick buck.

The disbelief and shock that ripped the rules of the world apart was different altogether. I’d always stood on the world beside everyone else, and it was a given that the rules of the earth I lived on would remain the same. That gravity would keep me grounded. That I would not fly without man-made machines and devices. That without my head, I would die. That I would age. They were rules people rarely spoke about, and yet those unspoken rules created a safety net; an anchor that helped every person on this planet centre themselves.

In the space of a few minutes, my world had been blown to smithereens. I had no sense of up and down. My only tether to earth now was that Kyros let me live.

For now.

He’d mentioned that if I failed this trust trial thing, he’d compel me further, but there was no mention of death. I felt it was implied—due to the fact they drank blood.

My exhale shook its way from my lips. Vampires existed. One killed her boyfriend in front of me. Kyros had guzzled my blood like I was a strawberry mojito. And I—

Oh my god. I drank vampire blood! My hand flew to the bite at the base of my neck. I couldn’t feel any raised bumps, but the area was tender.

Curiosity spurred my despairing ass from the bed.

I shuffled to the edge of the mammoth bed and stood. White spots flooded my vision, what blood I had left filling my legs.

“Whoa,” I rasped, feeling behind before sitting heavily on the mattress. I closed my eyes until the dizziness faded and squinted around the room to get my bearings.

A blaring blue light—the only light in here—caught my attention.

2:00 p.m.

Was I dizzy because I slept, what had to be, nearly Copyright 2016 - 2024