Blood Ties (Dinero de Sangre #2) - Lana Sky Page 0,70

eyes seem even darker.

Without another word, Alexi lurches to her feet and takes off toward the gardens.

“Have a seat, Ada.” Jaguar claims Alexi’s former couch, sprawling out with his arms braced along the top of the chair on either side. He nods toward the space beside him.

Instead, I pivot and take the couch across from him. His eyes narrow to slits, but his smile doesn’t budge, remaining a fixture on his face even as his gaze takes on a more calculating focus.

“I think I prefer you naked,” he remarks with a bluntness that sets my cheeks on fire. He eyes my chest with open disapproval and sighs. “Dom-Dom must prefer to keep you covered while he’s away. What a damn shame. When we get you to the Guarida, that will change, I can tell you that.”

“The Guarida.” The word tastes heavy on my tongue, lacking the musical quality his accent gives it. “Is that where…”

I find that I can’t finish that sentence out loud. Where I’ve been sold to.

“It seems our little Dom-Dom has been more forthcoming with you than he’s led on.” He leans forward, stroking his fingers through my hair without warning. It takes everything I have in me not to flinch, submitting to his coarse touch. “All for the better, though. I don’t enjoy breaking in the new girls myself, but I’m up for a challenge. I’ll give you a little crash course, even. The Guarida is my paradise, you see. A world where the trappings of society and the silly rules some stuffy men in suits decide for us cease to matter. It is freedom.”

He runs his fingers along the underside of my chin, raising goosebumps. A part of me reacts to his touch in a way I’ve never responded to anyone—not even Domino. It’s electric. The closest feeling I can compare it to is what I felt around my father’s guard dogs. Rumor had it that he trained them with live animals, and they were always on a hair-trigger, taught to heed only his command.

Jaguar has that same look in his eye. Like all he wants to do is bite. Attack. Brutalize.

Only I doubt he’d heed any other man’s commands to stop.

“You are very beautiful,” he tells me. “I’ll give Domino that much.” He sits back and gestures toward his lap with a wave of his hand. “We should get to know each other more. Come sit with me.”

It’s not a request. Knowledge of that spurs me to my feet despite every warning blaring at the back of my mind to put as much distance between us as possible. I aim to play it safe, meaning to perch myself on the very edge of his couch.

He snags my wrist before I can, dragging me toward him. His smile remains as he wrenches me down, and he doesn’t stop until I trip and land almost entirely on his lap.

“There. This is much better.” He hooks his fingers around my ass, yanking me forward so that I’m straddling him, much like I did Domino not too long ago.

But this position feels nothing like that. There’s no fragile familiarity, despite the animosity between us. With Jaguar, I’m on edge, painfully aware of the strength coiled in the muscle flexing against me.

“I can’t wait until we become more acquainted,” he murmurs, his gaze on my lips.

Maybe it’s because I’m pathetic enough to admit that I wanted Domino for years before he took me. I fantasized about every inch of his body, and a part of me will always fight that attraction.

But with Jaguar…

My body can’t get past the danger radiating off him in waves. It takes me a moment to identify it, but I stiffen the second I do—rage. It’s far different from the lethal anger that explodes from Domino, barely restrained. Jaguar’s hostility is far more nuanced, lurking beneath the planes of this handsome face, smoldering behind the dark irises.

“You have sexy fucking eyes,” he says with an intensity that makes me jump. I’ve been so focused on observing him, that I didn’t pay much notice to the fact that he’s been doing the same to me. “Like you’re thinking hard. I like that.” He grazes my cheek with the pad of his thumb, brushing the hair from my face. “Plenty of men will pay extra to enjoy a girl who seems like she has a brain in her head while she’s sucking his cock.”

I grit my teeth, feeling my cheeks flame as I look away at the Copyright 2016 - 2024