Blood Lust - Alexandra Ivy Page 0,90

gaze landed on the heavy glass pitcher filled with water that had been left beside her cot. Keeping her movements deliberately nonchalant, she strolled to pick up the pitcher as if she was going to pour a glass of water. Once she had a firm grip, however, she whirled around and threw the pitcher at the blinking camera with every ounce of her strength.

There was a nerve-racking second as she watched it are through the air, then with an explosive sound it shattered against the camera at the same time it drenched the cell in water.

Moving to stand in the center of the floor, she calmly waited for the door to be shoved open by an angry Sentinel.

“What the hell?” he snapped, shoving his head into the room to examine the broken camera and shattered glass.

“Oops.” Stella smiled, leaning forward. She needed him to actually enter the room. Otherwise he might be able to shut the door before she could get out. “It just slipped out of my hands.”

“Bullshit,” the man growled, his gaze not even glancing toward her breasts she was deliberately exposing.

Clearly the sex kitten routine wasn’t going to work.

“I need to speak with the Mave,” she said, easily changing tactics.

He frowned. “Why?”

“I have information she needs.”

“I’ll send word to her.”

“No, I need to speak with her now.”

The guard’s dark eyes narrowed. “She’s busy.”

She pouted. “Trust me, she isn’t going to be happy when she learns I have the key to halting the destruction of Valhalla, but you couldn’t be bothered to interrupt her.”

“Fine.” The Sentinel pulled out his phone but he remained too wary to actually enter the cell.

Stella swallowed a curse. She was going to have to take a chance her weapon would incapacitate the guard before he could react.

Squeezing her hand, she hissed in pain as the metal sliced into the flesh of her palm. Damn. She hadn’t realized it was going to hurt. Still, she continued to press against the device, at last hearing the faint sound of the plastic cracking as the seal was broken.

And then . . .


It wasn’t an actual sound. At least, not to her. It was more an unseen explosion that rushed past her, making the cell shake and the Sentinel pitch forward. The lights flickered as she watched the guard fall flat on his face, then she was plunged into an inky darkness.

Oh, thank God. The cell door remained open.

Warily, she forced herself to her knees, crawling forward as she searched for the phone the Sentinel had been holding. She found it a few feet away, and pressing the screen, she used the light to make sure the guard was truly out for the count.

He was.

Not only was he sprawled at an awkward angle, but there was a trickle of blood running out of his ears. He couldn’t fake that, could he?

Confident the weapon had worked, she rose to her feet and stepped over the guard. Heading out of the cell, she used the phone as a flashlight.

Thankfully, she’d been smart enough to keep track of their journey through Valhalla when she’d been led to her cell, so even with limited light it was a simple matter to retrace the maze of narrow hallways.

She didn’t bother to go in search of her men, who’d been placed in another section of the dungeons. Right now it was every man, or woman, for themselves. Once she’d managed to escape, she could easily find another group of Brothers. They were a dime a dozen.

Reaching the small guard room at the end of the hallway, Stella stepped inside to discover two Sentinels slumped in front of their blank monitors. For the first time she hesitated.

The weapon had clearly done its job in knocking out the computer system, which meant she couldn’t be tracked by the security cameras, but that meant the elevators wouldn’t work.

So how the hell was she going to get to the upper floors?

With a low curse, she searched the office, hoping to find an override for the elevator. Surely there had to be some sort of fire escape?

It took a precious few minutes, but at last she found an old-fashioned key hidden in the bottom drawer of the desk. The cells were armed with scanners that needed the thumbprint of a Sentinel to open. So what did the key unlock?

Determined to find out, she left the guard room and searched the area near the elevator.

At first she could find nothing, then, at last, she shoved aside an ugly fake Copyright 2016 - 2024