Blood Lust - Alexandra Ivy Page 0,49

mistake again.”

“I couldn’t stay,” she muttered, sounding as if she was speaking more to herself than him. “You refused to give me a job.”

“I didn’t want you as my employee,” he chided, his hand wrapping around her throat in a gesture that was pure possession to a high-blood. “I wanted you to be my lover.”

Chapter Ten

Myst stared up at the magnificent man poised above her, the mere thought of creating another baby with him making her heart twist with a bittersweet longing.

It was impossible, of course. She’d already been forced to give up one child. It would destroy her to have to walk away from another.

Still . . .


“Shh.” He leaned down to press a kiss to her lips before skimming his lips with a heart-stopping gentleness to the small design tattooed just behind her ear. The mark was the visible display for the spell that was supposed to keep her from getting pregnant. “We’ll deal with any repercussions together.”

Myst groaned as he dipped his tongue into her mouth, shutting out the whispers of warning.

After all, what were the chances of the spell failing again? Any risks were virtually nonexistent.


Shoving aside the fear¸ she instead relished the erotic sensations that reverberated through her as he used his tongue to trace the shell of her ear.

For five long years she’d tried to deny the needs of her body. Something that’d been remarkably easy. At least it’d been easy until she’d walked into Bas’s hotel room.

Now she vividly recalled why she’d so eagerly tumbled into his arms the first time.

In this moment she didn’t want to think about unplanned pregnancies, or being on the run from the Brotherhood, or the fear that she was just a meaningless body to this male.

No other male could make her feel like this, and if it was only for this one night, she intended to seize the moment.

Her thoughts shattered as he stretched out beside her, his fingers gently stroking down her arm. She shuddered, her body clenching with anticipation.

She’d been ridiculously innocent the first time she’d shared her body with Bas. She hadn’t been prepared for the overwhelming pleasure that had exploded through her. This time, she was able to fully appreciate Bas’s skillful touch.

Not that there wasn’t still overwhelming pleasure.

It was shimmering through her with a sharp-edged need that was demanding satisfaction.

Ignoring the whispers of warning in the back of her mind, Myst placed her hands on his chest, exploring the satin heat of his skin.

“I want this,” she assured him, relishing her power as he shuddered beneath her touch. “I want you.”

He lifted his head to study her with a fierce need.

Myst’s breath tangled in her throat as his burning bronze gaze swept slowly over her naked body.

Good Lord, he was spectacular. His shoulders were broad. His chest was sculpted and his abs formed a perfect washboard. He had a narrow waist and hips that led to long, muscular legs.

Her gaze was abruptly captured by the thick erection that made her clench in anticipation.

It’d been so long.

So painfully long.

“I don’t know what you do to me,” she whispered, unaware she was speaking out loud.

“I assure you the feeling is mutual, cara.” He threaded his fingers through her hair. “I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you.”

His words melted any lingering hesitation. Who knew what the future would bring? For tonight she wasn’t going to let it rule her.

Easily sensing the last of her barriers had crumbled, Bas bent his head to brand her lips in a kiss that demanded utter surrender.

He rolled on top of her, molding her into the mattress. She groaned in bliss.

The scorching heat of his skin branded her with a shattering pleasure, the graze of his fingers down her throat sending erotic sparks in their wake. A near-painful arousal rushed through her as his fingers traced the line of her collarbone, the scent of his male power clouding her mind.

“This is what I’ve been waiting for.” He cupped one breast in his hand, taking her nipple into his mouth.

Myst hissed in shock at the feel of his teeth closing over the tip, the tiny pain arrowing straight between her legs. His touch was magic.

Pure magic.

Sliding her hands up and over his shoulders, she explored the hard muscles of his back. Satisfaction pierced her heart at his muttered growl of pleasure. She wasn’t alone in her madness.

Bas wanted her just as desperately as she wanted him.

Somehow that fact was intensely important to her.

“I didn’t expect this to happen again,” she Copyright 2016 - 2024