Blood Lust - Alexandra Ivy Page 0,101

they’re certain she wasn’t infected.”

Myst swayed, as if overwhelmed by relief. “Thank God,” she said in husky tones.

Equally relieved, Bas reached out to tug Myst back against him. The female had endured one shock after another. It was a wonder she hadn’t collapsed.

“Then where is she?”

Lana grimaced. “Unfortunately, Stella broke the camera in the nursery before she disappeared,” she confessed. “Because of the spell we haven’t been able to search for them.”

Bas scowled. He understood the necessity to contain Stella now that she was a carrier, but that didn’t explain why the hell they hadn’t gone in to rescue his daughter.

“Explain,” he snapped.

Lana carefully stepped in front of Wolfe, who looked ready to leap across the room and rip off his head. Not that he gave a shit.

Actually, a part of him hoped the Tagos would attack. His savage frustration needed an outlet. Beating the crap out of Wolfe would help to ease his smoldering rage.

A larger part, however, understood that a bloody brawl would only upset Myst. She had enough to worry about without him acting like a barbarian.

Sensing the violence in the air, Lana sent both males a warning glare.

“Once the magic has been activated it can’t be lowered until the threat has been eliminated,” she revealed.

“Eliminated?” He leashed his primitive urges, instead calling on the brutal training he’d received as an assassin. Cold, resolute logic was the only thing that could save his daughter. “What does that mean?”

Lana glanced toward Myst before meeting Bas’s demanding gaze. Shit. Obviously the Mave was worried that what she had to say was going to upset the younger female.

“If it was a high-blood we would evacuate Valhalla and have the carrier place themselves in a specialized cell that would contain them,” she at last said. “Then, they would be in a controlled environment to train to control their magic. Once we were certain they weren’t a threat to others, they would be able to leave their cell and resume their normal life.”

Bas arched a brow. The reason he’d agreed to work with Lana years ago wasn’t just because she happened to be one of the most powerful witches ever born. She was also intelligent, rigidly disciplined, and a master chess player. Which meant she was always one step ahead of their enemies.

It wasn’t like her to create such a vague emergency plan.

“That was it?” he demanded in disbelief. “You throw them in a cell and hope for the best?”

Her lips flattened, pinpricks of magic biting into his skin.

“Since it seemed a fairly remote threat, I didn’t spend a great deal of time organizing what would happen once the spell was triggered.”

Myst made a sound of impatience, her body trembling with the need to get to her daughter.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll go in. I’m not afraid—”

Lana interrupted her words before Bas could insist that he was the one going in to get Molly.

“It’s impossible,” the Mave said, her expression grim. “The carrier is capable of contaminating the entire area if her power isn’t kept contained.”

Bas tightened his arm around Myst, silently offering her reassurance that he wasn’t going to let their daughter be sacrificed to save Valhalla.

“Tough,” he growled, the word slicing through the air like the crack of a whip. “My daughter has already been used as a hostage once. I’m not letting it happen again. I don’t care who gets hurt.”

Lana shook her head. “You don’t understand, Bas. No one can get past the spell,” she insisted. “Not even me.”

He clenched his jaw, trying to ignore his growing sense of dread.


Wolfe made a low sound of warning. Almost a growl, as if he truly was a wolf.

Once again, however, it was Lana who took command of the situation, using her magic to try and ease the violence vibrating in the air.

“It’s true,” she said, a genuine regret in her voice. “I wanted to make sure that no one could be forced to release the carrier. She could be used as a weapon if she fell into the wrong hands.”

Bas understood. How could he not? Anyone who managed to get their hands on a carrier could easily use them as a weapon of mass destruction.

Moreover, he recognized what she wasn’t saying. Not only that Stella could be used as a weapon by someone else, but that if the overly ambitious woman realized her potential power, she might very well destroy a huge chunk of the human population.

Bas, however, wasn’t thinking like a leader of his people.

He didn’t give a shit about Copyright 2016 - 2024