Blood Debt (Kingdom of Blood #1) - Callie Rose Page 0,67

something in his eyes—some memory or emotion—but it’s gone as quickly as it came, leaving me with no idea what it was or where it came from. He dresses quickly, then turns back to me and nods his head slightly, stiff and formal.

A moment later, I’m alone in my room again.

I know he’s right. I’m out of time, and it’s now or never. It’s well into the afternoon by now—the equivalent of the middle of night around here.

After cleaning up quickly, I go to the wardrobe to grab clothes, mentally cursing the fact that I have no tactical wear here. It’s just a bunch of fucking dresses, but I tug on the one that I think will be easiest to move in.

It’ll have to do.

Turning away from the heavy wardrobe, I start to gather my things to go get Nathan, then stop.


Even if she isn’t in immediate danger from James, she certainly isn’t out of the woods. Like Nathan, she isn’t strong enough to last long around here. Maybe she has the guts, but physically, she gives all the vibes of a small, adorable, defenseless prey animal. If I can sense that, being nothing but a human hunter, how much stronger is that sense to the vampires? The worst of them will bleed her dry. Even the best of them will be hard-pressed to keep her safely alive for the length of her contract.

I know she’s going to argue with me, but I have to try. Moving carefully and quietly, I sneak out of my room and down the hall, past the bathroom and Winona’s room, as well as the rooms of several other tributes. I tap lightly on Jessica’s door and don’t wait for a response before I open it. She’s sitting on her bed, and she raises her eyebrows and smiles softly when she sees me.

“Hey. Can’t sleep?” she asks, understanding filling her hazel eyes. “I totally get it. This backwards schedule’s been a pain to get used to. I thought it would be like jet lag, easy to get over after a few days, but my internal clock is all messed up.”

Not even bothering to answer her question, I close the door silently behind me and then cross the room in a few strides. I sit down beside her and take her hand, squeezing it harder than I mean to.

She gives me a surprised look. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m getting out of here,” I murmur, my voice shaking. “I’m rescuing my brother. That’s the whole reason I came here in the first place.”

Her eyes widen. “You’re what?”

“How would you like to see your mom again?” I ask her, talking fast because I can already see the resistance on her face. “Hug her and talk to her and hold her hand? I can get you out of here too, Jessica. Come with me.”

She stares at me for a long moment as she processes what I just said. Then she throws her arms around me and hugs me.

“Oh my god, Darcy. I had no idea.” Her voice is a hushed whisper. “I… thank you.”

I hug her back fiercely, squeezing my eyes shut against a wave of too many emotions.

“I have to get some things from my room,” I tell her, choosing not to mention that the things I need are weapons capable of decapitating any vampire in the place. “Grab what you need and come with me.”

Jessica sighs and lets her arms drop, leaning back to smile at me sadly. She shakes her head.

“Thank you for trying to get me out of here,” she says quietly. “But I can’t.” She blinks rapidly, her eyes glistening. “I hope you’re able to get your brother out of here in one piece. I really do. I’m going to miss you so much. But I can’t go with you.”

I frown at her, my heart sinking. “Jessica—”

She shakes her head, her lips trembling. “If I violate the terms of the contract, they’ll kill my mother. Or remove their support and let her die slowly, which would be infinitely worse. The doctor they hired put my mom on this experimental drug—it’s stupid expensive and ridiculously difficult to get—but it’s working. She can walk with a cane again. She can grab things too, if they’re big enough for her to get a good grip on. She still can’t write or open pill bottles, and her vision is still spotty, but she’s getting better.”

I clench my jaw, hating that this sweet, selfless girl is caught between saving her mother’s Copyright 2016 - 2024