Blood and Wine - Margot Scott Page 0,34


“You doubt your love for her, Will,” she says. “You shouldn’t. Love is the most powerful force there is. It makes us stronger, not weaker.”

“A few weeks ago, he would’ve argued that vengeance was the stronger motivator,” Katherine says.

Isabella cocks her head. “Now he’s not so sure.”

“I didn’t think William was capable of loving anyone but himself.”

“He is capable of loving her,” Isabella says. “But his is not a sweet love, or a kind love. His love will drag her to her knees and slice through her like a knife, before it rips her heart out.”

They regard me with contempt, despising me for a crime I haven’t yet committed—a crime I seem to be the only one interested in trying to prevent.

Isabella shudders. “Please step outside, Will. I can’t bear to look at you right now.”

“Please.” I implore both of them. “I’m begging you—”

“Go,” Katherine says.

I march out of the house, exasperated and dismayed. This is precisely why I’ve always avoided the company of witches. Haughty wenches talk over and around you like they have all the answers, because they usually do. It’s maddening. Though I’d bet the futility of being able to predict the future, while lacking the ability to change it, would drive anyone mad eventually.

I wait on the steps for Mariah and her grandfather to return. When I catch sight of them coming up the drive, I stand. She thanks John for showing her the flowers, hugs him, then waits for him to go inside before wrapping her arms around me. I kiss her like it’s the last time I’ll get the chance to—because it very well might be.

“I can’t believe they’re all here,” she says. I press my lips to her forehead. There’s tension in her muscles, and I know the question she wants to ask before she’s even said it. “Will, why did you wait so long to bring me here?”

“I was worried your family would warn you away from me.”

“Why would they do that?”

“Because I’m not a ghost,” I tell her. “I’m a vampire. Edward’s got me locked in a cage, and he and Chastity have been stealing my blood to add to their wines. I wanted to trick you into freeing me so I could drink your blood and escape.”

Mariah stares at me like I’ve just sprouted a second head.

“Is that supposed to be a joke?” she asks. “Because it’s a bad one.”

I cradle her face in my hands. It’s too late to save us both, but I can take one last shot at saving her. If there was ever a time for Katherine’s vision to be wrong, I pray it’s now.

“Mariah, I need you to listen to me. My blood is in the wine. It’s what triggered your powers, and now Edward wants to turn you into a vampire so he can steal your blood like he’s stolen mine. He thinks you’re clairvoyant, like your mother, and he wants that power for himself.”

“Will...” She shakes her head. “You’re confused.”

“I’m not confused. I’m trying to save your life.” This is too much for her right now, but she needs to hear it, and I have to say it because Isabella’s right.

I do love Mariah, more than anything.

I don’t know when it happened exactly. Sometime between our first dance and our first kiss. She got under my skin, and from there, my love for her grew like vines around the trellis of my ribs.

There’s no point in trying to fight or deny it. I love her, and I’m willing to risk sounding like a madman to save her.

“You have to get as far away from here as possible,” I tell her.

“Will, my family’s here. You’re here. I’m not leaving either of you.”

“You have to.” I grasp her shoulders. “Edward is coming for you—”

“Even if that one part of this insane story is true, I can take care of myself. You saw what I did to the wine, to Christopher.”

“It won’t matter. If you stay here, you will die. He will force me to kill you.”

She takes a step back. “Will, you’re scaring me.”

“You should be scared.” I don’t want to do this, but I have no choice. She needs to see the truth with her own eyes.

Focusing on my gums, I will my fangs to extend.

Mariah’s eyes widen. She gasps.

“This isn’t funny, Will. Stop it.”

“Do I look like I’m joking?” I move forward, faster than her eyes can detect, until I’m looming over her. “This is what will happen if you don’t leave tonight. Copyright 2016 - 2024