Blood and Wine - Margot Scott Page 0,26

became just another source of depression.

Watching Mariah in bed these past few nights brought those desires back with a vengeance. There was no tearing my eyes from her dancing fingers as they circled her sensitive clit. I couldn’t help imagining how it would feel to slide inside her wetness. I haven’t been able to think about much else since.

“You’ve done this before?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. “But I really want to.”

The fact that she’s a virgin doesn’t deter me. If anything, the thought of her dying before she’s had a chance to be thoroughly ravished would be the real tragedy.

I lift her shirt up and off, baring her to my gaze. Her breasts are round and plump, her nipples tight and rosy. Beautiful, just like the rest of her. I kiss my way down from her jaw to her chest, careful not to linger too long at her neck. She moans as I lick her nipple, threading her fingers through my hair.

All of this is real, and yet, it isn’t. Her pleasure is real. Her memory of my mouth on her breast and other places will be real, though her physical body remains untouched. Even so, she’ll no doubt wake up with a desperate need to finger herself tomorrow.

I give her other nipple equal attention, as my hands curl around the band of her underwear. She lifts her bottom so I can pull them off, then whimpers as I kneel on the floor in front of her. She knows what’s coming, even if she’s only ever read about it, or whispered about the other kind of kiss with her friends at slumber parties.

The anticipation in her gaze makes my cock throb. If someone were to look at my physical body right now, they’d find me sporting a colossal hard on.

I kiss a line from her knee to her inner thigh. When my lips finally reach her pussy, she whimpers. I spread her wide so I can see all of her. My God, it has been far too long since I’ve come face-to-face with a woman’s body, and hers is beyond luscious.

As I touch my tongue to her clit, I’m dismayed that my sense of taste is somewhat dulled in the twilight realm. Still, I can tell she’s delicious. I don’t want to waste a single drop of her honey.

I focus my attention on the tiny, stiffened bud that brings her so much pleasure. She moans, her heartbeat cantering along as I swirl my tongue against her. I try a few different approaches until I discern what she likes and then continue doing that until she’s practically bucking.

As her breathing becomes erratic, I keep my pace consistent.

“Oh God, Will...” She tugs at my hair. “Fuck...”

I lick and suck her clit even as she shakes and twitches, until she goes still and silent, right before she moans.

As soon as she’s finished riding out her orgasm, I stand and capture her open mouth. She tastes herself on me. Pulling her close, I grind my cock against her so there’s no doubt in her mind how badly I want her. My hands map the landscape of her skin, just as her hands find and squeeze my ass.

“I want you,” she whispers. “Please.”

I feel almost lightheaded as I reach for the button on my pants. I haven’t touched my own cock in years. Pulling it out, it becomes a hard, demanding thing between us that commands Mariah’s attention. She wraps her fingers around the shaft. I groan.

“Your eyes are glowing,” she says. I close them.

“Does it frighten you?”

“No,” she says.

I kiss her hard. Thrusting into her fist, I feel like I could come from this slight contact alone. It’s not the same as if she were touching my physical body, but it’s a thousand times better than my own fist. Yes, I could indeed come just like this—

But I’m dying to get inside her.

As I grasp my cock to angle it toward her pussy, an image of Edward flashes across my vision.

I squeeze my eyes shut. Is he close to my body? I don’t sense him nearby.

Another flash. This time it’s Edward and Isabella as they were twenty years ago. I see Edward finding Isabella in the stables, backing her up against the stall. Edward whispering something into her ear. The two of them fucking on the hay-strewn floor...

I hold my head with both hands.

“Stop it,” I growl.

“Why?” Mariah asks, letting go of my cock. “What’s wrong?”

Another flash. Edward driving Mariah up to Copyright 2016 - 2024