Blood of Aenarion - By William King Page 0,98

asked. He knew that he really should not, but he was curious.

‘You and your brother were conceived in the Temple of Dark Pleasures. That is why your brother turned out the way he did...’

‘How would you know?’ Tyrion asked pleasantly. ‘Were you there?’

‘Are you implying that I am a member of the Cult of Luxury?’ Larien asked. He looked a lot more sober all of a sudden. His words were said very loudly, as if he wanted everyone to hear them.

All around was silence. All eyes in the room were on them now. Tyrion understood what was going on but there was no way he could stop it. It had all happened so quickly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Korhien moving across the room towards the disturbance. He would not get here in time to intervene.

‘Well, are you?’ Larien was almost shouting now. He cocked his head to one side as if Tyrion had already replied. ‘How dare you imply such a thing?’

Tyrion decided he might as well make the best of a bad situation. He smiled mockingly at Melissa and her friend and then at Larien. ‘I was merely astounded that anyone could claim such familiarity with Slaaneshi ritual as you did. If anyone implied such a thing, it was you.’

Larien’s hand shot out towards Tyrion’s cheek. He obviously intended to strike the blow that marked the formal challenge to a duel. Tyrion had been expecting it. He stepped to one side and struck Larien hard in the stomach. The goblet fell from his hand.

When he had regained his wind, Larien said, with some satisfaction. ‘You struck me.’

‘It seemed better than allowing you to strike me,’ said Tyrion.

‘There can be only one redress,’ said Larien. ‘The Circle of Blades.’

‘As you wish,’ said Tyrion, ignoring the way Korhien was shaking his head.

Larien pulled himself upright and glared around.

‘Leave now,’ said Korhien. ‘You’ve got what you came here for.’

Larien smirked at him.

‘And I would not smile like that if I were you,’ Korhien said. ‘If this young elf does not kill you, I most assuredly will.’

That took the smile off his face, Tyrion thought. He grinned and then the thought struck him that the only circumstances that Korhien would be taking vengeance for him, was if he himself was dead.

‘You cannot do that Ironglaive, duelling is forbidden to White Lions,’ said Larien. His smirk had returned. Surrounded by his clique of adoring ladies he made his departure.

The air seemed suddenly very chilly.

‘That was very foolish, doorkeeper,’ said Korhien. He had led Tyrion into a side room. Outside, the hall was in an uproar.

‘Listen to the commotion,’ Tyrion said. ‘Apparently challenges to duels are not as common at Lothern parties as this evening’s experience has led me to believe.’

‘This is not a joking matter. That elf intends to kill you and he is quite capable of doing it. Sober he is one of the best blades in this city.’

Korhien’s seriousness communicated itself to Tyrion. ‘I wish you had told me that before I hit him.’

‘Go ahead! Joke your way into an early grave, doorkeeper.’

‘I did not start it.’ It was the sort of thing a child might say and Tyrion was conscious of it as soon as the words left his mouth.

‘I am sure you did not.’ Korhien expression was bitter. ‘I should have seen this coming.’

‘Who would have expected anyone to be so boorish as to start a brawl at a Lantern party,’ said Lady Malene. She had just entered the chamber. Teclis was beside her, his face pale.

‘The question is who put him up to it and why?’ said Korhien. ‘We need to know who it is so we can put pressure on them to make him withdraw.’

‘What?’ Tyrion asked. He had never heard of such a thing. Or read about it. ‘No one withdraws challenges.’

‘It happens all the time,’ said Lady Malene. ‘Larien will lose face and have to leave the city for a few years.’

‘If we can make whoever set this hound on Tyrion call him off,’ said Korhien.

‘We are going to have to,’ said Malene. ‘I do not think he is ready to kill his first elf just yet.’

She was wrong. After what Larien had said about his parents Tyrion was more than willing to kill Larien. In fact he would enjoy it. It was the first time he had ever realised such a thing about himself. It was not a pleasant thought.

He was disturbed to discover that Liselle had been wrong earlier. There Copyright 2016 - 2024