Blood of Aenarion - By William King Page 0,43

but what I am I supposed to do if we are attacked by pirates – be sick all over them?’

‘That might prove to be a very effective defensive strategy.’

‘There are times when I doubt that you understand military matters quite as well as you pretend you do.’

‘Don’t worry. If we are attacked, I will protect you.’

‘And who is going to protect you?’

‘I think I can manage to protect myself, brother. Never doubt it.’

‘Look over there.’ Tyrion followed his brother’s gesture. Korhien and Lady Malene strolled hand in hand across the deck towards them. It seemed Tyrion was not the only one enjoying this sea voyage.

‘Greetings, young princes,’ said Korhien, sounding more than usually amiable.

‘Good afternoon to you both,’ said Teclis.

‘It is,’ said Lady Malene. ‘There is something to be said for the fresh sea air, I always find.’ She looked at Korhien as if sharing some secret joke. Korhien smiled.

‘It is invigorating,’ he said.

‘I find it so,’ said Tyrion, wondering why the two of them looked as if they wanted to laugh at him. They had just spent a long time in their cabin below. They had not been enjoying a lot of the fresh sea air. Suddenly he realised what they had been up to and looked away.

‘This is a wonderful ship,’ said Teclis. ‘Very fast.’

‘It is one of many House Emeraldsea owns,’ said Lady Malene.

‘How many?’ Teclis asked. He always liked to pin things down exactly.

‘Thirty or so. They sail and they trade and explore. Sometimes we use them to raid the coast of Naggaroth.’

‘Thirty ships, is that a lot?’ Tyrion asked.

‘It is,’ said Korhien. ‘A significant contribution to our fleets in wartime. There are very few Houses in Lothern who can match that number and only Finubar’s House exceeds it.’

‘Well, he is the Phoenix King,’ said Teclis.

‘We were just talking about pirates,’ said Tyrion. ‘Do you think we shall see any?’

‘My brother is keen to try his hand at fighting them,’ said Teclis sardonically.

‘There is no need to worry my young friend,’ said Korhien. ‘If we are attacked, Lady Malene will protect us.’

‘She will?’ said Tyrion.

‘Oh yes, like many a mage of Lothern she started her career of wizardry aboard ship.’

‘Is that true?’ asked Teclis. As ever, mention of any aspect of magic got his attention instantly.

Lady Malene nodded. ‘Most mages of Lothern spend half their lives aboard ship.’

‘Why?’ Teclis asked.

‘Summoning winds, protecting them from monsters, blasting enemy ships with spells when the need arises and preventing enemy wizards doing the same to our vessels.’

To Tyrion that sounded like just about the most exciting use of wizardry he had ever heard. It almost made him want to study it himself, despite his total lack of any gift for the Art. ‘You can summon winds?’ he asked.


‘Why not do it now?’

‘Because there is no need,’ Malene replied. ‘We have a fair wind driving us as fast as we can sail naturally, and I see no need to tire myself out to make us go faster. If any pirates do show up, I will need my strength for then.’

Tyrion saw it at once, ‘Of course,’ he said.

‘Of course, what?’ Teclis asked.

‘Better to bind the winds then than for travel. With a mage aboard capable of doing so we could sail against the wind, or increase our manoeuvre speed.’

Korhien beamed like a teacher proud of a prize pupil. ‘I told you he was quick on the uptake,’ he said to Lady Malene.

‘Show my brother the military possibilities of anything and he grasps it instantly,’ said Teclis. ‘Unfortunately he is not so quick on the uptake for anything else.’

‘He is quick about all he will need to be quick for,’ said Korhien. ‘Nothing more need be asked of him.’

‘I would not be so quick to make such statements if I were you,’ said Lady Malene. ‘Who knows what Prince Tyrion’s destiny will require of him?’

Tyrion laughed. ‘I doubt it will be anything too exalted.’

The others looked at him as if they did not believe that. He noticed the pretty young sailor girl had been listening to all of this from nearby. She looked away when she saw him notice her. He wondered if she was really as shy as she pretended or whether this was simply a way of getting his attention.

He resolved that before the day was much older, he would find out.

‘What is this called?’ Tyrion asked, pointing to the large sail above them.

The sailor girl smiled. They stood alone high on the central mast of the ship, perfectly Copyright 2016 - 2024