Blitz (Blast Brothers #3) - Sabrina Stark Page 0,84

my own.

Chapter 56


I woke alone early Sunday morning to the sounds of pounding on my condo door. Even from the master bedroom, I could tell who it was.


And he was pissed off.

No surprise there.

I debated ignoring the door entirely, but I knew Mason well enough to realize that he would pound as long as it took for me to answer.

With a muttered curse, I climbed out of bed, threw on a pair of jeans along with a T-shirt, and shuffled half-asleep to the door, intending to tell him to fuck off and come back in the afternoon, assuming that whatever he needed couldn't wait until Monday.

But when I yanked the door open, Mason wasn't the only one on the other side. With him was Brody, along with Cami and Arden, fiancées times two.

I stared from the open doorway. What the hell was this?

Cami, Mason's fiancée, was petite with wavy auburn hair, while Arden, Brody's fiancée, was slightly taller with longer hair that was both straighter and darker.

The girls looked delighted. The guys didn't.

Cami was holding a white takeout bag, emblazoned with the name of a local breakfast joint. She lifted the bag toward me and said with a happy smile, "We brought you pancakes."

Next to her, Mason said, "She brought you pancakes. I had nothing to do with it."

"Oh, stop it," Cami laughed. "You paid for them, didn't you?" She looked back to me and said, "I didn't know if you liked bacon or sausage, so I got you both."

I knew I liked this girl. Now if only the guy she was planning to marry was half as likeable. Right on cue, Mason shouldered his way past me and said over his shoulder, "Get rid of her."

What a dick.

I gave Cami a regretful smile. "Sorry, but you've gotta go."

Before she could even think to react, Mason said, "I didn't mean her, as you damn well know."

I did know. But for whatever reason, Mason was somebody I couldn’t resist tweaking. I looked back to him and said, "So why didn’t you say so?"

"Cut the crap," he said. "You know who I meant."

Cami spoke up. "Well, I don't know who you meant."

Mason gave her a fond smile. "That's because you're too nice for the likes of him."

"Yeah," I told Cami. "And you're too nice for him, too."

Cami rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Both of you are just as nice." She hesitated. "You just have different ways of showing it, that's all."

At this, Mason and I exchanged a look. It was Mason who said what both of us were thinking, "It's nice that you think so."

"I don't think so," she told him with a smile. "I know so." She handed me the takeout bag and said, "I got you extra butter and syrup, too. It's in the baggie at the bottom."

As she moved past me, she said to Mason, "But you never said. Who does he need to get rid of?"

"Whoever," Mason replied. "It's a different chick every night."

It was such bullshit. Even during my wildest days, I didn't go through partners that fast. I turned and gave him a sullen look. "There's no one here but me."

I half expected him to invade my bedroom and check. But he didn't. He didn't even threaten to, which I attributed not to him trusting me, but rather to him not wanting to look like a dick in front of Cami, who was more trusting than both of us combined.

Already, Brody and Arden had walked into the condo and shut the door behind them. Together, they headed toward the kitchen. As they moved, Arden called out over her shoulder, "I think I'll make coffee. Anyone want some?"

I didn't want coffee. I wanted to be left alone. It was barely eight o'clock on a Sunday morning, and I still didn't know what they wanted.

Grudgingly, I followed after them. When I reached the kitchen, I looked to Brody and said, "So, what is this? An ambush? An intervention? What?"

Brody cleared his throat. "I wouldn't call it an ambush."

Yeah, right. "Four on one. That seems like an ambush to me."

Arden spoke up. "It is not. We're on your side, not theirs. So really, it's three against two." She gave me a sunny smile. "And you're on the bigger team. See?"

I didn't see. But ever since they'd gotten engaged, it was like the four of them had their own secret language. Or maybe I was just too sleepy to get it.

To no one in particular, I asked, "Where's Willow?"

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