Blitz (Blast Brothers #3) - Sabrina Stark Page 0,50

something totally awful. "Oh, my God." I winced. "You saw that?"

Chapter 34


I'd seen it, alright. So had my brothers. And they'd been giving me shit ever since.

In reply to her question, I said, "That depends."

Mina's cheeks were flushed, and she was shifting uneasily in her seat. "On what?"

I replied, "On what you think I saw."

She shifted again. "Well…if I had to guess, you probably saw me acting like a Tomato Queen." She winced. "I mean, like a pageant queen, riding in a parade."

Yup. That was the gist of it.

I was still watching her. She was cute when she was flustered, but that didn't make her any less crazy.

I'd be smart to remember that.

I asked, "So…you do that a lot?"

"No," she scoffed. "Do you?"

"Hey, I wasn't the one waving."

At this, she literally cringed. "You saw me wave?" She lowered her face into her hands and groaned, "Oh, my God." But then, she looked up, and her eyes narrowed. "Wait a minute. Where were you?"

I flicked my head toward Mason's office, just a couple of doors to my left. "In my brother's office."

"So you saw me from up here? In the building?" Abruptly, she stood and strode to the nearest window. She looked out through the glass and cursed so quietly, I might've missed it, if only she didn't have my full attention.

I'd swiveled in my chair to keep an eye on her. I kept watching as she gazed out the window, looking unhappy with whatever she saw.

But me? I wasn't unhappy.

My view wasn't half-bad.

Mina had a nice profile, even when she frowned. With her attention elsewhere, I took a long moment to appreciate it. Her hair was long and loose, just the way I liked it, and she was wearing a tailored cream dress and matching heels – not high, but not flats either.

She had nice legs, and they weren't the only things I liked. Her body was slim with soft curves in all the right places. As I studied some of those curves, I had to remind myself that I'd given up on crazy chicks for a reason.

They weren't worth the hassle.

In case I ever forgot, Angelique's book was a good reminder.

But Mina – she was crazy in a different way. What way, I still didn't know.

But I was interested in finding out.

Too interested.

Suddenly, she whirled to face me. "Wait a minute. Did you see me the first time, too?"

I wasn't following. "What first time?"

"When I was locked out of my car. Did you see me trying to get in through the sunroof? I mean, from all the way up here?"

"I saw something." And that something was Mina crawling onto the roof of her car for reasons that weren't apparent at the time.

"Oh, my God," she groaned again. "And you didn't tell me the first time? I mean, you could've mentioned it. You even gave me a ride home."

"Yeah, so?"

"So I'm just saying, you could've told me that you saw me from above."

"What'd you think?" I laughed. "That I just happened to be strolling by?"

"Well, yes, actually." Her mouth tightened. "I mean, it wasn't the first time I saw you 'strolling' around."

Obviously, she was referring to the first time we'd met, when she'd come out of the coffee shop to hit me up about the festival.

At the time, I'd thought she'd been hitting on me.

If I were the type to be embarrassed, my face might've been just as flushed as hers. But I didn't embarrass easily, and unlike Mina, I hadn't been caught riding in an imaginary parade.

Today, her car was parked along the same street where I'd spotted her crawling on the sunroof – and later, waving to crowds that only she could see.

I knew her current parking spot because I'd seen her exiting her vehicle thirty minutes ago. I'd been watching from my office window and not by accident.

What was that about?

Nothing good, that's for damn sure.

Mina left the window and reclaimed her seat. As she sank back into it, she asked, "So, why didn't you say something?"

"About what?"

"About spotting me from your window."

"Which time?" I laughed. "The sunroof time? Or the parade time?"

With a little huff, she said, "I meant the parade time."

"What's there to say?" I shrugged in my chair. "I mean, we all get our kicks somehow, right?"

Mina eyed me like I was the crazy one. "I wasn't 'getting my kicks'," she said. "I was helping out Laura Foster."

I hadn't seen any Laura Foster, because I hadn't seen anyone.

As far as Mina, I couldn’t resist Copyright 2016 - 2024